Sunday, December 30, 2018

My DS theory, long read.-UNR

Hello folks!

I'm new to this sub but wanted to share my thoughts on DS that I really haven't heard as major theories, please keep in mind these are just my thoughts and opinions. I believe we've been looking at this whole experience the wrong way, it's a novel I know but you can't rush these things, TLDR below:

Kojima: Has a history of telling us it's X game by X studio and it's not, or your playing as X character but then you're not. It's clear he has very big ambitions for DS, Norman Reedus mentioned "social media elements", I believe this refers to our current meta experience. I also wouldn't put it passed Kojima to declare a game cancelled and then release it. Has a thing for Moby Dick, this speaks volumes to me. Moby Dick is about a guy who goes out for revenge against an unstoppable whale, everyone dies. So with Moby Dick Studios, the fire whale in MGSV, the white whale in the DS trailer, AND the whale in the Kojima Productions trailer I think this a statement that either Kojima is still with Konami(Konami being unstoppable and Kojima too wise to try and seek revenge) or that if his deceptions go too far and he ends up really letting his fans down, his career will be over. How would he let us down? By selling us a story about a game, and delivering another.

P.T.: "The gap in the's a seperate reality." To me this is our introduction to the rabbit-hole, this meta experience we're having at this very moment - which started by playing P.T...Kojima at his best. In an interview he mentioned a concept "that can only be pulled off through a video game"(or something to that effect), again to me that is this very experience we're having by digging and theorizing based on what we've been shown, completely ignoring the instructions we were given, "don't trust the media". Also, I believe 204863 was Kojimas way of letting us know it was his game and nothing more. By stepping through the door we entered Kojimas reality which has us searching for clues about his new game, basically giving in to his will, which I have, and it's awesome.

MGSV: The ultimate deception. We think we're getting a game where we get to play as Big Boss but instead we're just some schmuck running around thinking he's Big Boss when in reality that schmuck is us. Kojimas way of bringing the game into our reality(while also showing us he can easily play a damn fiddle).

DS: Everything we've been shown in the official DS trailers is extremely misleading as far as representing the game we're going to be playing. Given Kojimas previous deceptions and ambitions for this project I noticed a recurring theme, I'll recite it for you, "You play as a guy named Sam Porter Bridges, he's a courier and creates "connections" between the remnants of mankind after an alien/dimensional invasion brought entities and timefall to earth. If you get caught by these entities it creates a "void-out" and you enter a brief first person mode to collect your things and re-enter your body, when you wake up there's a huge crater where you died." Does this sound familiar to anyone? I call this "Kojimas Melody in E Minor", and everyone is singing it.

I believe the game we get will be almost the exact opposite of what we've been told, mostly played in first person, as another character. I have some experience in game design and these "gameplay trailers" could be thrown together in minutes by an experienced programmer and in my opinion they don't reflect Kojimas previous attention to detail, something we DID see in P.T. Even the few cutscenes with actors could be filmed quickly during the filming of actual scenes, how much have we really seen? He told us not to trust the media, these trailers are DS's media. Previous titles have 8+ hours of cutscenes!!! Can you tell I love Kojiima but don't trust him? If you're still with me I thank you and appreciate your open-mindedness.

THEORY: Norman Reedus said in an interview that "players would be him". With the number of players playing the game simultaneously there would be A LOT of Norman Reedus's. I think of some paradox where if you come into contact with yourself there's some massive disaster. I've seen it before somewhere. We've seen Kojima in the tar, he's here in our dimension. Could the tar be a gateway to our reality, all of us grabbing at Norman Reedus at once for a chance to take control of him?

Thank you for reading, please keep in mind this is just my dreamings.: I'd love to hear your thoughts!

TLDR: DS is FPS!! Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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