Saturday, December 8, 2018


This year is nearly finished and Norman Reedus confirmed that the game will be released at early 2019.

We still have Conan O'Brien footage (possibly a Clueless Gamer episode) and he mentioned it won't be released until the Kojima Productions 'did their thing' first - indicating Kojima Productions will be pulling off something very soon. However we don't need to see another screenshot, trailer or gameplay if we are be able to buy and play the game very soon. This is unlike other games, Kojima wants to release minimum information as possible before the release and drop the game out of nowhere. If thats not for you, you are welcomed to play more straigtforward, easy to digest videogames or wait for the release of mass production videogames where zero mystery is involved and everything is already given or solved before the release and completion of the story mode. Its not about getting the information but its about the process of getting the information, its the mystery, its the community theorizing and communicating back and forth with bits of information.

We have a rough idea about what the game is going to be and every reason to be excited, unlike the mainstream idea - that we don't know nothing about the game, game is originally just a walking simulator, we are building hype for nothing, game is somehow will be below our expectations or we are acting as if its going to change our life even if it won't. If anyone have doubts about the quality of this game just play the previous Kojima Productions games or dig deeper in the trailers, or read previous posts to understand why we are excited, we know whats the game is going to be about, why it won't be a walking simulator, we are building hype, game will even exceed our expectations, why it will change our life with the messages involved in the story. Don't listen to some kids' idea who wasn't here from the start.

Loyal fans are already hyped for what Kojima can do next, especially after cancellation of Silent Hills and Kojima's unfinished Metal Gear. They have every reason to be hyped, right now Kojima is working with veterans from the original Team Silent and former Konami employees who worked on previous Metal Gear titles. In the trailers we can observe the artistic resemblance to Junji Ito's previous works - horror manga artist who was hired for cancelled Silent Hills. Also the cast is awesome for transferring the emotions to the player.

At first trailer we saw the emotional aspects of the game, at the second trailer we saw the action elements and enemies of the game, at the third trailer we saw the horror elements and monsters, at the fourth player we saw the map. We know the map will be featuring both post-apocalyptic cities and beautiful terrains, we know there will be lots of weapons and various of vehicles, we know that the type of enemies are both people and beings not from this world (ghosts, monsters, skeletons and black goo beings), we know that we will have lots of choices, game will be like maze and introduce lots of new elements. Game will similar to lots of actions games, therefore they don't have to show what is similar. However it will be very different from what we we played so far, thats why Kojima is trying to share minimum information as possible, in order to hide what is different. If you want to know what is similar imagine situations with the given content. Imagine a 3rd person camera when Sam is running away from skeleton soldiers, commanding a WW2 tank, shooting at monsters etc. We are interested to know about what is different, what is new in terms of gameplay and narrative. We will find out about that very soon. I'm already sold from what I saw; however I'm not sold for Rockstar, EA, Ubisoft, Activision or Sega games.

Be hopeful and expect something very soon !!! Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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