Thursday, December 13, 2018

First 3 trailers are the same-UNR

Handcuffs - they explained us everything from the beginning. Or at least main thing. Main connection between Us (Players) and Playable Characters. But symbolicaly this characters portrayed as real people who Play this characters (Norman Reedus, Guillermo del Toro, those 2 men from 3-rd trailer). This trailers are not story cutscenes from "ordinary videogame". They are some kind of message to us. Explanation of how this Game works.

Different Players even they Playing same Game have different experience - different worlds, dimensions. TMINGM is Mads Mikkelsen but from point of view another Player - Guillermo del Toro. From different dimension. Mikkelsen from little baby doll (Sam) perspective is The Giant Figure (with golden hands similar to this "lion" from last short trailer) from Sam's character perspective. Sam and his represetation as a baby doll both "open their eye(s)" And see something or someone from another dimension. Another Player's Dimension.

In 3rd trailer at the one moment everything starts to fly and goes up. Everything except Sam and Baby. Sam is just a character without handcuffs. He is out of the Game, out of the Rules of this Game.

Handprints - it's literally Us. We are intruders. We affect this world with our hands holding Dualshocks. Watch 1st reveal trailer. Handprints come from our wolrd. Music from our world. This handprints appears only in rythm of music and only after vocal part starts. "Waiting for my words; Seen but never heard". Sam can't hear the words but he can see them. Song literally explain what's going on in this trailer.

"Easy Way Out" from second trailer should mean something too as Hideo Kojima mentioned. But... if this trailers generally same - this song fits more to 3rd trailer. "The mistake I've made; It can't be turn around". Killing. Remember those 2 Players and their "cooperation". "Sticks" instead of "Ropes". One kill another. "I went one for one; Before casting out". He break the rules of the Game and was punished (was eaten by creature with Golden Face).

TMINTGM are someone like GM (Grand Master) from board games. He travels from one dimension to another. From one Player to another. And he can "tweak the rules a bit". Cheater:)

Chilarity. Stand in front of mirror. Your right hand is the left hand of your reflection (image). You never will "shake your hands". No connection. But what if we will break this mirror? We are the reflection or image of DS world. Different or another world for us and our culture is Death. Who we are for DS world and characters from this world? Death. That's why Sam afraid of touches. Symbolical touches. Our touches.

Look at Luden's mask. Skull looks like a symbol of the death.

Ludens: " I walked. I could do nothing but walk. And then, I saw me walking in front of myself. But it wasn't really me." Playable Character becomes Player.

The Baby: I believe it represence evolution. Cultural evolution which became real because of our possibility to gather and share information. Evolution from Sapiens to Ludens. Same Baby for all trailers. Collect information from every Player. Players who Save their progress. In terms of videogames it's some kind of Saving mechanism. Autosave from 3rd trailer when Baby activates by itself or by some script/trigger. Guillermo del Toro afraid to goin in some dark place. For Us (Players) there's gonna be game Boss. Let's Save;) Same for 4th trailer when Sam "got an idea" and his Saved his progress before he will try something dangerous and risky. "And if you long to never die; Baby plug in, upload your mind" (Grimes - We Appreciate Power).

Timefall: It starts when entities (Us) came to this DS world. I have 2 thoughts about it. 1st - what happens when we Play in our Games? Time runs faster for us;) 2nd - Time runs much faster literally in videogames when we play them.

Sam is uniqe. He is just a character without handcuffs and Playable Character with handcuffs. Will he become Luden - Player?

All this trailers are not cutsenes from ordinary videogame presentation. Except one thing - each subsequent shows us a little bit more then the previous one. We can't literally Play as Reedus, del Toro, those 2 men. Same story from different perspectives. From point of view literally different Players. It's symbolical explanation of The Game. Message.

Worlds collide. All this different worlds created by people (all kinds of media) are connected. We are Ludens, we are intruders in this worlds

P.S. Sorry for my english, this was a bit hard for me to translate my thoughts:) Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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