Thursday, December 13, 2018

Anyone think January 1st might be significant?-UNR

At this point I am wondering if Death Stranding literally just drops onto the PSN store with no warning or fanfare. If so, I feel it could be January 1st and here is why:

  1. Norman Reedus said in an interview he believes the game will "come out early next year"
  2. Someone on Twitter mentioned they were upset that Shawn Layden did not get TV time at The Game Awards like Reggie and Phil did for Nintendo and XBox respectively and Shawn Layden replied "See you next year" which seems to mean something big is coming.
  3. There was no PSX this year and Sony has announced they will not be at E3 for the first time ever in 2019. There are no other big dates/events for Sony I can think of to announce the game in grand style
  4. Kojima has stated the game would release the year before the year in which Akira is set. I believe that would make it 2018. Releasing at midnight on January 1st would be a "bridge" between the years
  5. January 1st falls on a Tuesday which is normally when a lot of games release
  6. January 1st being the first Tuesday of the month, that would be when we would get the PS Plus free games for January (would he literally give it away free with no fanfare?? Coincidentally, Christmas is also a Tuesday this year...a Christmas gift release date for us maybe instead??)
  7. Lately there has been a lot of games showing up on the PS store that have very similar concepts/ideas to Death Stranding. Could this be a hint something is on the horizon?

Of course these are just a few minor incidences of what could happen. At this point, whether it is January 1st or not, I still think that at the very least the game will possibly not be "formally" announced and rather just show up on the PSN store for us to stumble across. Possibly even just hidden and we all have to "work together" to find it? I will be honest, I am getting a little weary at this point for a game I once was obsessing about, given the lack of information out there now so I am pretty much just adopting a "wait and see" mindset. Hopefully the reveal, whenever it is, is worth it. What do you guys think? Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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