Friday, June 21, 2019

Sometime's I wonder why I bother.-UNR

No seriously. Why? Have total morons like Davy mock things that were originally posted on the Death Stranding sub-reddit, i.e. that the black strands represented the player's position, i.e. from their controller in the world. Crazy right? Cause Kojima isn't about the meta: 'play within a play' concept of reminding the video gamer's that he and she are only in a simulated world that only exists on a digital level as the real one ticks by as they play, of course not. (It's only a video game after all) It's just me. Furthermore, it's not as if Death Stranding itself needs to the internet or anything. In despite of the fact that before the game was even out you'd Kojima claiming: 'game had already begun' and Norman Reedus literally saying that: 'There was elements of social media in it.' (Unless you're a trolling fool like Davy you obviously either wouldn't get this or be deliberately obtuse.)

If you don't get Kojima's approach to meta then just say it. Don't go mocking things you don't understand. We've enough of that already in regards to more serious matters. Even world leaders of a similar nature if it could be believed. These days one could not be blamed if up was down and down was up. As we find ourselves in an age of double-think forged out from the digital age of how people consume information 24/7 on their favourite handheld devices. Things that Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty predicted in the early 2000's, before the rise of Facebook and various other social media applications. Not even troll culture was a thing until the internet granted people a false veil of anonymity. Now serious consequential issues are mocked, because of the existence of this objectively detrimentally toxic culture.

Kojima's gone as far to reveal personally that Death Stranding serves to be a metaphor for how we as humans are more connected these days to artificial digital realms than we are the reality that actually surrounds us. That we've all this technological potential to save ourselves and we waste it mostly on things to give us a sense of ignorant bliss or self-satisfaction. Art and entertainment can be used to educate inspire and invoke various of complex emotions. I wouldn't deny it either way, but it's also becoming increasingly difficult for we as a species to deny that the most of us don't use technology for the greater good. Myself wouldn't pretend either as I too use media to get away from problems of the real world.

How we live today and how we live tomorrow is purely our choosing. Will we as a species fight for tomorrow or will we continue to be ignorant of reality as we allow entertainment to simply lull us to sleep? The countdown of our future regards to climate acceleration has already begun whether we as a species like it or not. We cannot run and hide anymore from the fact that we're making this planet uninhabitable for ourselves as we continue to waste precious finite resources for our own self-satisfaction. Just to make us feel good about ourselves. Very soon it'll be too late. For your children. For your grand-children. Nothing will matter.

You can go ahead and call me crazy if you like. Mock me. Straw-man me. Even call me a hypocrite. (Wouldn't even try to argue the fact.) Say I'm having a: 'existential crisis.' I don't care. At the end of the day I'm simply a tiny speck of this universe just looking at the bigger picture here. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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