Monday, June 10, 2019

Hoped for more but I'll be good.-UNR

Well of course we believe in BGS Todd. It's given gamers unique experiences like no other developer can. But still, that was a surprisingly underwhelming conference.

Not that anyone expected a full reveal ergo: information on next-gen capabilities and a 2019 fall release date, but at the very least, a follow up teaser or a few more crumbs for us all to chew on in the time being... there's even less to talk about Starfield now (if that were even possible). It's their choice anyway. Would have even appreciated a new image or wallpaper of some sort but... I'm sure what they've made will be incredible.

I'm guessing BGS are going to repeat the Oblivion strategy for Starfield as another launch title for the next-gen Xbox. Todd for the second time, described Starfield as a 'next-gen RPG', whereas before, he wasn't forthcoming about whether that meant next-gen in terms of hardware or gameplay, now I'm virtually certain it's both. Todd and his long serving team seem to have built a very solid relationship with Xbox and he's personally spoken very highly of Microsoft. They're all originally PC developers anyway so it makes sense.

Oh well. At least from November and March Norman Reedus and Keanu Reeves can keep me occupied... Not bad alternatives in the mean time eh? Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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