Sunday, June 2, 2019

In regards to DS being connected to PT or MGS.-UNR

I may catch a lot of heat for this but I am going for it anyway.

I have seen more than a few theories in this thread about DS being connected to MGS or P.T. in some way shape or form. I really don't think this could be any farther from the truth. I will try my best to explain why I believe this. 

If you look at Kojima's  career and read between the lines you will see how evident it is that he had been dying to make a new IP with complete and total creative freedom. Konami refused to allow this while he was under their employ. Taking some time to read interviews that took place after the release of some of the Meatal Gear projects, Kojima has said many times that he would like to move on to something new. Konami had a multi million dollar franchise in Metal Gear and didn't see any reason to disrupt the money train Hideo Kojima had laid the tracks to. So without seeing it he trapped himself in a franchise that I believed he loved very much, but also was quite tired of. Silent Hills was the first game outside of the metal gear series Kojima was heading in decades. Norman Reedus and Del Toro were also confirmed to be involved in the project. Prior to the release of MGS5 Kojima has the infamous fallout with Konami, Silent Hills is cancelled, and Kojima is a free agent for the first time in what seems like ages. The war to acquire the legendary developer ensues and in the end Kojima decides to partner with Sony, and the entity Kojima Productions is born. When asked why he made this choice, he mentioned that he had previous experience working with Sony and that they also offered him the most creative freedom. With that being said, the fact that creative freedom was the one thing he wanted above all else is telling. It would seem that freedom was what Konami denied him most. We have moved forward a number of years and are currently months away from Kojima's first new IP since MGS, Death Stranding.

Here is where my opinion begins. What we have been shown to this point differs so radically from anything Kojima has done in the past that it blows my mind people can seem to connect dots. It would seem to me that Kojima has developed a relationship with Reedus and Del Toro due to their involvement with P.T.. Connecting Sam to his unnamed character in Silent Hills is like saying that this is really a secret Walking Dead game. There is nothing to support this. He has chosen to continue work with the same talent, nothing more. It is the same with Del Toro. Kojima made it crystal clear that Death Stranding is about forming lost connections. A far cry from his vision for Silent Hills which apparently was "make you shit your pants". I haven't even bothered to look into the theories about this being connected to Metal Gear. Hideo fancies himself a  director. He sees himself as on par with the directors of movies(I also see him here) and has been given the opportunity by Sony to pretty much do whatever he wants. It would make no sense for him to dig his way back into the creative prison that he escaped from in Konami. I think his vision and desire for franchises is over. I see it being very unlikely that there is even a DS sequel because of this. If the choice is left to Kojima he will move on from DS as soon as HE is done with it. The man has vision and puts much weight into his vision. If Sony follows through on their promise to Kojima I believe we will see more new IPs from him in the future. If for some reason I am wrong and this amazing world they have created in Death Stranding is somehow connected to something as played out as Silent Hill or MGS, then to be honest I lose a great amount of respect for mister Hideo, which doesn't mean much seeing I am one person and one opinion. Although this isn't a fear. Kojima is a big person with a bigger vision he won't limit himself to titles, I truly believe for him, it is about making a piece of art with a message. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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