Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Why im so depressed about the Silent Hill Reboot...-UNR


So this post might be a little weird lol, but please stay with me here. So I'm a huge fan of SH. Loved the movie and iv played almost all the games given a few. I was OBSESSED with how dark and crazy they were. I ALWAYS argued with friends that silent hill was better then Resident Evil.

So, anyway get this. My favorite SH game of all time was Orgins for the PsP. And while I played that, I didnt have cable or internet growing up, so I had ALOT of movies I'd watch over and over again. I'd love watching this movie with Norman Reedus called "The Messengers 2:Scarecrow" and id always think while playing S.H.O while I watched it in the background " you know? They should put this guy in a silent hill game".

Then they finally did it.

I was so fucking hyped seeing Norman Reedus, my favorite actor on a SH game because he looked EXACTLY like how I imagined. He reminded me of the guy from orgins so much I always thought it would be a dream come true, then Konami crushed it. I cried twice over this game. When it was announced NR would be the main character, and then when it got canceled. I legit did not eat or sleep for two weeks over that shit I was so depressed my dream game got canned.

Now looking at it, do you think Kojima watched this movie and thought the same thing? I'm still ill about it. I actually don't think I'll get over it tbh.

https://ift.tt/hfvxJrL Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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