Friday, August 12, 2022

Some questions about what is allowed, and what isn't with DALL E.-UNR

So I just got an invitation to use DALL E, but before I try anything I'd like to get some further details about what is allowed and what isn't.

I obviously understand that real-life people, including celebrities, politicians etc. etc. aren't allowed. And though I'd only use this for pure harmless entertaining reasons, I can understand and respect why that is the case, because the internet is full of people that would abuse systems like this. But just to make sure I don't break any rules I'd like to have some further details on this subject matter.

  1. If a real person, then what about fictional characters depicted by actors? For example, if Mark Hamill isn't allowed, does that mean I am not allowed to generate imagery of Luke Skywalker based on the movies with Mark Hamill, or to name someone else Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow or Edward Scissorhands.
  2. What about roles in which the actor are wearing more heavy make-up or masks? If I am not allowed to generate art using Jack Nicholson or Heath Ledger, does this also mean that I am not allowed to generate anything based on their versions of the Joker?
  3. What about cartoon versions of real people? Real-life celebrities made cameo appearances in shows like The Simpsons or Family Guy. Is it forbidden to create anything based on those versions as well?
  4. What about video game characters depicted by actors? If "Norman Reedus" or "Cameron Monaghan" aren't allowed, does this also mean that "Sam" from "Death Stranding" or "Cal Cestis" from "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order" isn't allowed either?
  5. What about completely fictional characters from movies, series, cartoons, comics, anime, manga, games etc. etc? Am I allowed to generate art using characters like Darth Vader, Homer Simpson, Spongebob Squarepants, Son Goku or Super Mario? Or would that cause any issues with copyright?
  6. What about people that passed away a long time ago, so long ago that the only imagery of them are paintings or perhaps very early photos? For example historical figures such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Ludwig Van Beethoven or Benjamin Franklin.
  7. And finally, I'd also like to know if these content policies mainly apply to content getting shared online, or if they also equally apply to personal usage. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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