Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Death Stranding - Recommending-UNR


I recently played Death Stranding just before the new Ps Plus came out, and i saw it was included with Premium, i just wanted to recommend it

As i had heard all the criticism back when it came out, about it basically being a walking simulator or an amazon parcel delivery simulator. Let me be real, you definitely could say that based on the quests, but i managed roughly 100 hours, and never got bored once completing and platinuming the game.

In terms of an open world game, it is one of the best i have played and Hideo Kojima, being the mastermind that he is, manages to put in some rather unique aspects which differentiate Death Stranding from other open world games.

Firstly the traversing the world, in other games you don't even pay a thought to the landscape right, in this game it is critical, as you are delivering packages to preppers and facilities, and have to keep them in good condition, and the landscape challenges the hell out of you to do this, literally you have to watch every step you take as it could throw you off balance.

The story, i won't lie, for the first 2-3 chapters you will be like wtf is going on here, but it soon becomes clearer to understand, so stick with it and you will definitely be rewarded with a fantastic storyline, with some brilliant actors, seriously, you had Mads Mikkelsen, Norman Reedus, Lea Seadoux, Margaret Quailley, Guillermo Del Toro, Tommie Earl Jenkins and Troy Baker. Hands down it is the best cast i have ever seen for a video game.

The BB mechanic. Lord, Kojima is a genius for this, it felt weird as hell at the start as you don't understand what it is or why it came to be, but it builds the world so much more and gives you an emotional attachment. It is essentially a baby in a pod, but they can sense the monsters of the world, so the porters need to use them, but there is so much interaction whilst walking this lonely world and being able to look down in 1st person and see this little laughing baby that it warms your heart, then there is so many wholesome things in the world that the BB loves, and will have you grinning from ear to ear.

The multiplayer mechanic, that might be a bit misleading, there is no multiplayer, but so much of the world revolves around players helping each other, essentially in your single player game, you can use objects e.g. ladders or climbing anchors etc to traverse the world, and those objects you leave are visible to others in their singleplayer game, you know if someone has used your items because they leave likes on the items you left that helped them traverse the landscape.

And you can do the same for them when you come across a mountainous area and see someone has left a climbing anchor for you to make it easy to climb, you leave them a few likes. Also you can build roads via players contributing materials to 3D printers in their own games and when the road is built it is built in yours and their games. So everyone works together to make the world easier to navigate for everyone else, it is such a unusual and wholesome thing to have someone else leave these items purely for others benefit and gets you more connected with the game.

The soundtrack, i have NEVER played a game that managed to incorporate a soundtrack into its open world the way Death Stranding did, from the very first moments you play the game and the first song plays while the camera zooms back letting you see this world was incredible.

I could talk about it all day, but all i'll say is, unlike other games where you just do quests for the sake of it, this game gives you a reason to care about the quests and the people involved, and makes you actually excited to do fetch and deliver quests.

I cannot recommend it enough, give it a chance and you will love it.

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