Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Is DS truly worth the hype and time? Want to play but want to know if it's my type of game. Give me your take and wisdom pls.-UNR

For reference: I've played games like Sniper Elite, Call of Duty, all Tell Tale Games, all Quantic Dream games, Life is Strange, Dying Light (which I'm pretty sure I sucked at), I Am Still Alive (oldie but goodie) and The Last of Us (which I know I suck at-the crafting and the dying-but I love it for all the other reasons, just gotta get the hang of it), and my favorite series: Uncharted.

I've really wanted to find a new game to fall in love with and I feel like DS has those elements, Norman Reedus, Incredibly beautiful graphics, a sense of darkness, immersive and a great story. However, I don't know that I'm a huge fan of crafting things and I believe there's a large amount of crafting? I find it tedious or maybe I'm approaching it wrong. (I tend to feel like all the Spidermans when they're learning to use their web slinger for the first time. Which is crazy because IRL I love making stuff.)

So I spend my time on puzzles, stealth and strategy, or get really sucked into the story with amazing characters, or sometimes just want all out guns blazing mayhem.

It truly looks so interesting though, and I've almost bought it twice. But if it's just a crap ton of walking and walking and lots of crafting I'm unsure if it's worth all the hype for me personally.

Without spoilers of course, can you give me a bit more info? I've watched the playthrough for the first 20-30 min and that's all I have to go on, because I wanted to avoid spoilers, but also find out about game play. For reference, I hated Just Cause 4. Too much crap to do, and it felt clunky, sometimes you just want to blow sh*t up. I also wanted to love Fallout so much and played through a few encounters, got back to my hood afterwards and there I've stayed. I was totally into it until I was like, how do I make all this stuff?!?! Again, the crafting. I just wanted to make a stew, man.

Thanks for sitting through my back and forth thought process and thanks for the feedback. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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