Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sam as Ludens as Us-UNR

I tried to see if this exact theory was posted and couldn't find it, although it's so simple I feel like someone must've thought of it ages ago.

If it wasn't obvious already, the last trailer seems to confirm that Sam is Ludens. Ludens itself has been an anomaly up until now, at least when it comes to its role in the world of DS. We know that the theory behind "Ludens" is that it's a stage of human evolution, the "playing man."

I'm wondering whether Ludens, in the world of DS, isn't just Sam, but an entity comprised of both Sam and the player. It sounds a bit ridiculous, but it explains the "evolved" and otherworldly nature of the Ludens. It's not just a being in a spacesuit, it's a being with multiple physical manifestations in different worlds: us in ours and Sam in the game. It also explains why we aren't playing as Sam but instead ARE Sam, like Norman Reedus has mentioned before, because Sam would be known in his world to be an emissary of something greater than one man. I don't know how that might be defined in the game if it's true, but it would make Sam something more than just a normal person. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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