Monday, August 12, 2019

I wrote a history based theory where Amelie and Higgs represent Hades and Persephone in Greek Mythology. This is a chiral theory to my last, still answering everything, the same exact way.-UNR

You can skip this first two paragraphs if you please, but this first one is a personal note i have to put in here for the sake of me, and for that I apologize for "wasting"characters. 4 months ago today (his birthday) I lost my Grandpa, the man who raised me since birth, to acute Myleoid Leukemia, after a 6-month battle which was supposed to only last one month (maximum) according to his oncologists. I remember showing him the trailers that came out for this game before he passed, ironically he had a movie collection that took the room on his that didn't have his TV lol. He, was my inspiration for being the curious person I am and for making both my original and this "chiral" theory. He wanted to know what this game was about, I had to literally explain no one knew because trailers were dropped without explanation. He absolutely admired that, as well as the graphics making a video game look like a real movie, the unknowing of the circumstances and plus, Norman Reedus lol. And yes, my 70-year-old grandfather watched The Walking Dead, and wouldn't play, but would watch me play video games since I was a kid, getting just as into the cuttings as I was. I had came up with a theory a few weeks ago that took me a while to make because I wanted to try and figure this out for him before it came out. Well, shit.. The day of his internment, I vividly remember asking myself "I wonder where Grandpa is now" been looking at the sky and muttering "Can you see me?" All while looking at his (ironically) creamated remains. There's people who see those who play video games as "childish" or " introducing unnecessarily violence" my grandfather saw it is a way of opening your mind to possibilities that even while at times unrealistic, give you a sense of hope and confidence that you can do whatever you say you WANT to. I love you Grandpa. I can't wait to see what this game brings us, this is for you. Happy Birthday...

A message to a Reddit user I don't know:

If you reading thisorigionally posted about the 21 grams experiment, where a study was done to determine if upon death, the soul would have actual weight. You helped add to this with your post so I thank you. I do believe the number 21 is a reference to the "weight of the soul" as Heartmans life clock. But, i believe the reason he dies 60 times a day is tied to reason for the cause of the Death Stranding. I compared Heartman to Prometheus in the "chiral theory" who introduced fire to humanity and wasn't always on the "good side of the force" his entire life. After feeling sorry for humanity, he raided Mount Olympus and stole fire, gifting it to humanity to "help with struggles." He was punished on a daily basis by Zeus for this. I believe that Heartman, who over 200,000 times has traveled to "the other side" introduced Bridges to Cremation - Like in Greek mythology, bodies and cargo in Death Stranding MUST be burned. (As much as I like fire shit lmao, why do you have to burn everything) I attribute this partially to the mythology as to usher the spirit of the dead into the afterlife safely (the golden mask left behind on the corpse by Higgs in the TGA trailer serves the same purpose.) Joining this idea with the scientific spectrum, I say that bodies, until interned/cremated, having the soul still stuck in it, need to be burned to reduce the amount of mass that can eaten by the black holes, wether it be the body, the person's spirit (weighing only 21 grams,) whales, crabs, or whatever else we see affected by gravity's reversal. Fire, arguably the most important discover in history, is the only thing preventing explosions, and the spirits of the dead from coming back through the black hole.

Quick little refresh.

Chriality: (Simplified): Something that's mirror image is not able to physically manipulated (is not superimposable) to match the original (your hand, hold it up to a mirror)

Speaking in terms of what inspired or gave Kojima ideas for this game, in my first theory, I dissected what we saw in the trailers and try to explain the events as a piece of history. History being spoken in a way as an anecdote that could not be 100% correct due to the amount of versions of the story (like Greek mythology unfortunately) This would make the closest thing to a "chiral" rendition of a historical event, scientifically proven, factually driven evidence that hammers the nail home. The reason I will constantly refer to this theory as "chiral" to it's historical twin, is because I mean it is being represented as it's defined. Historically AND scientifically, they mirror each other in terms of what happens, yet why it occurs is for different reasons.

"Yeah, science bitch!" - Jesse Pinkman

"Seeing is believing, yet looks can be so deceiving," I honestly don't know if this is been quoted, but if not, sweet lol. A lot of historical events are often misinterpreted or ignored due to there being numerous different versions of one story, there's never a defining answer as to why something occured. The reason historical connections are made before any other in situations such as this is culture, and the fast varieties of it. At times, the reality of a situation can be too hard to explain or comprehend, so different versions of stories are formulated to either intentionally leave things out such personal dislikes or wrongdoings. In a way, history as a topic can make things seem better or worse than what they are. To explain in a simple manner, a scenario for DS with a concrete, factually proven answer as to why something is happening, is ALOT more difficult then it seems lol. I'm confident in my expanding knowledge of Physics, and the love I personally have for studying things "unknown" to humankind makes writing this, even if just for me, 100% worth it. The theory of the game's inspiration coming from mythology is a little too easily "comparable" to me, given there is no solid evidence for any event occurring in DS, were just comparing what we see to a story. This "other side" of the theory (which goes hand and hand with the historical side) is much harder to explain without using ridiculous physics terms but I will do my best lol.

So.. buckle up fuckers. Lol

How Black Holes are born, and die.

Back when Mads was first to revealed to be a member of the cast, in the midst of all the hype and excitement, Kojima posted an image of Mads 3D scanned character, Cliff, without color. The most notable observation here is that on his gun in tiny, almost unnoticeable letters, the word black hole is engraved, with the letter O being replaced with the symbol for "Omega" (the end.) Remembering Sam's necklace containing equations for different aspects of black holes, and physics, after seeing the picture from Kojima, the engravement struck me as.. interesting. I didn't even think of it as a name for a possible faction like Bridges or Void Out, I thought word for word..

"So.. did he come out of one or some shit?

And then I began to piece together an explanation as to what exactly happened during the Death Stranding.

This is my slightly simplified NASA definition of a BlackHole on their website.

A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny ass space. This usually occurs when a star is nearing it's death. They can be either big or small, I guess size really doesn't matter (LMFAO). Black holes of stellar mass (made of stars) are formed when the center of a star collapses in on itself at the end of its life, causing an explosion known as a supernova. When a star has too much matter in it's core, the gravitational force becomes so immense that the star cannot handle its force, it collapses on itself and explode" It's important to note that inside of a black hole, many aspects of physics come together, sometimes even break down.

For the sake of a Kojima style context swap, we are going to refer to the "stars" in the rest of this theory as the spirits (21 grams) of those who have died combined into a mass (actual star) which collapses (explodes) creating a black hole which leads to the chiral world of the dead.

I could already see questions coming from that definition, so ill pre-answer one that seems obvious to ask. If a black hole is a dead star, can a black hole die? If so, how?

Famed English physicist Stephen Hawking (Rest in Peace) theorized that something different occurs in matter around a black hole rather than a star. The idea is that particles and antiparticles may not be able to automatically cancel each other out as they usually would, due to the black hole's gravity pulling all the negative antiparticle into black hole-oblivion. This process leaves the positive particle alone and "uncancelled," making it "real." These positive particles then, are emitted from the black hole. The phenomenon is called Hawking Radiation, which can help determine black holes size and space by analyzing the gamma waves they radiate. Maybe this is what whoever told Sam meant by "chirilium density is increasing?" However, this is not the end for black holes. Every once in a while, a pair of these particles pops into existence near an event horizon (The line in which once you cross, your ass is getting sucked into that black hole) with one partner falling in and the other free to escape. Unable to collide and evaporate, the escapee goes on its merry way as a normal non-virtual particle. The black hole will begin to glow, and in doing so, in doing the work to separate a virtual particle pair and promote one of them into normal status, the black hole gives up some of its own mass. This fully accountable for the fact that more BT's are becoming stranded (stuck in our dimension) with each void out. I don't want to think what would even happen if two worlds of the such would merge entirely....

Being that I've studied this kind of material for years, I can see right away that Death Stranding is (possibly) set in a world where you're LIVING under these circumstances.

For the sake of an easy to explain Kojima style context swap, I'll redefine the scientific aspects of black holes in terms of death strandings mechanics.

Collapsed/Dead Stars: a dead body, that's it... lol Just another corpse on Sam's back wrapped in a body bag sealed with bridges sensor tape which I just found out today is also called PP tape (which based on the name seems like it's made to literally let you sense the amount of damage done to your package without opening it) Also, I don't know if anyone's noticed that the tape saying void if tampered means to literally VOID OUT the cargo if it's seal is broken by the black liquid.

Black Liquid: YongYea called it "purgatory water" I half agree. I think that's water from our world that was taken to the other side via void outs. Remember that theory going around of the game taking place on the ocean floor? I agree, in the sense that parts of the map look like water has been taken out (grayed out muddy areas) while oth

Black holes: Titans mouths, water moving under your feet where the particles of a spirit come together creating mass (a pool black water) allowing the spirits to pull you under or "eat you."

Void outs: The explosion occurring after the maximum limit of mass has been eaten by the other side. A crater remains in the direct location of these void outs, leaving those spirits particles who came from the black hole stranded as BTs in the world of the living. Upon explosion the black hole will release some of its mass, meaning the particles of the dead will be released back onto our world l as just... Particles.. fuck..

So I can finally shut the hell up and you fine people can get on with all the better things you have to do then reading this theory on the toilet getting a hemoroid lol. I want to answer the question I asked myself for a while until I smacked myself because his name answered it for me.

At this point while writing this I felt like I understood everything up until the cords coming from the sky (explained in Chrial theory.) Between this and the history side I feel I really do have everything covered.

Until I remembered Higgs bitchass..

To make a long deal short, and honestly because i can barely explain this part myself. In order for matter to turn into mass, and I mean any bit of mass (like the phone I'm typing on) the particles must meet..

The HIGGS Bolson Particle/Field: The field of energy is thought to exist in every region of the known universe. This particle is a quantized manifestation (a packed down version) of the field. That generates mass through its interaction with other particles. In terms of DS, Higgs the man IS the particle, his interaction with the particles that form spirits form mass, the black creatures, the liquid.

I'm going to be doing more research in the coming days to add to this "side"of the theory because this is more or less because I was confident in it before, but now I'm sure of this being what we're going to be dealing with.

I'm going to end this for now with a thought, one that I would love to hear from DS community how they feel about this.

What if it's just one black hole?

So if I void out, you void out, he she we, void out Patrick's voice where does all of things that were taken into the black hole go? How is it possible I can see footprints from your Sam and I don't even know you. The idea of multiple dimensions has been the theory of this game's the first trailer where all we saw were handprints of a baby and naked man on the beach with a fetus connected to HIM lmao. I want this theory amd the other side of it to not just be my credit alone at all, I literally mentioned that I didn't know who it was, but whoever wrote the 21 grams post has all of my thanks for helping me complete this theory. Without that fact I wouldn't have been able to explain part of the history theory, and I would have never known what mass entered the black hole aside from bodies to make it explode.

Literally I wouldn't have been able to make this without the ideas and collaboration we have made as a community, and whether we're shaking hands or not we are reconnecting the games world by connecting in our world.

Guys, we are the fractured society were rebuilding, we started in 2016, not knowing what the hell's going on, sharing ideas on the internet trying to figure out what we didn't know. And even if this all wines are being wrong in 3 months, this was one hell of a fucking ride and the only thing I would have changed was an earlier release date reveal! Lmao

Thank you everyone who read this, to those who see ideas in here they thought of, if you posted it I've most likely read it, I know there was so many ideas ranging from idiotic to genius, and all of them are what made this great.

Boom Voids Out Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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