Thursday, April 16, 2020

Celebrities can't do anything without someone or something reporting on it.-UNR

I just read a headline that read, "Diane Kreuger wears blue latex gloves while going out for ice cream with boyfriend Norman Reedus." my first thought was " How the fuck is this news?" She's doing something that hundreds of thousands of people are doing. It's not news, it's pointless information. Jeff Goldlum could eat a fucking apple and someone out there would think " Yeah. People need to know what Jeff Goldblum is eating right now." I'm fucking sick and tired of hearing the stupidest shit from these news sites and articles. How about you report something real, something worth my time to fucking read it. They don't try anymore. They just pump out the first thing they think will get peoples attention just because a big name celebrity is in the title. There are far more important things to worry about than whatever the fuck someone is wearing. So, to all those desk jockeys that write articles for big news sites, give us something that'll make us want to read the entire thing, something real, something worth our time. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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