Tuesday, January 28, 2020

As a gamer who mainly plays First Person Shooters, I’m questioning how the gameplay for Death Stranding got me hooked-UNR


After finishing the game, let’s just say that I very much so enjoyed my whole experience, both story and gameplay wise.

Originally I was interested in the game through Kojima, the mystery behind the trailers, and Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen appearances in the game, but it wasn’t at the top my list to buy for the holidays. I had some free time during the holidays so I just decided to watch some play throughs of the game to judge the game for myself after hearing the controversy of the gameplay.

It seemed like a majority of people weren’t fond of the gameplay after seeing it, but for some reason I was intrigued by the gameplay mechanics between cargo management, terrain traversal, and the online chiral network. I was basically on the split on whether to buy the game or not, but the gameplay won me over and got me hooked delivering packages, even after finishing the game.

This just seems really odd for me since I come from a background of fast paced competitive shooters like Halo, Call of Duty, Titanfall, etc. I should also mention that I tried picking up Borderlands 3, but after 20 hours in I stopped playing without finishing the story. I also never finished Halo 5’s Campaign, but I thoroughly enjoyed 1-4 (I still play multiplayer all the time).

But I ended up with over 100 hours played on Death Stranding in terms finishing up orders. It’s a slower paced game and such a drastic contrast to the other games I mentioned. I’m having trouble interpreting my addiction to this game’s gameplay loop and I would love to grasp why, especially as an emerging game developer/designer.

So I would like to ask from a purely gameplay standpoint, what part of the gameplay experience do you enjoy the most and why? Is it more of a feeling such as atmospherics and ambience, or is there game elements in the experience such as challenge, reward, and world interaction that makes the gameplay loop interesting?

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