Saturday, May 25, 2019

Thank you Konami for the genius of the Silent Hill franchise. Thank you for having the guts to give us this.-UNR

If you don’t like mobile formatting, sorry. Having gotten that outta the way, let us begin.

“The fear of the blood tends to create fear for the flesh.” SH1.

Many of us hate Konami for what they did with Silent Hills. And I get that. It could have been something amazing, something horrifying, something deeply personal and beautiful all at the same time. Kojima created something electrifying with PT and it took the horror gaming community by storm.

When PT first came out it was a curiosity. No one knew what to make of it. It took a couple of weeks before someone was able to get to the end, when it pans out of Norman Reedus’s pov and seeing Kojima’s and Del Torro’s names. I remember the excitement we had when we first got PT, and the bitter disappointment when it was taken away. Sadly, we will never know, and I’m ok with that.

I’m not here to bash Konami. I’m here to thank them for the most iconic horror IP of all time. This is for the company that gave me so much entertainment. The company who honestly had the stones to give us mature themes in a tactful, honest way. Loss, betrayal, abuse, and the shattering of childhood, just to name a few.

Let me just share a few moments with you. I’ll only hit the first three games, but don’t let that fool you. Each and every game in the series brings something to the table. Each of them I am grateful to have played. Even the one I hated, I’m glad I played it.

Oh, and a word of warning. Spoilers ahead, mateys. Don’t click the links if you’ve not played the games.

My last moments with Lisa.

You snotty little brat!

Would you rather give pain or receive it?

And let’s not forget the soundtracks. Akira Yamaoka will forever have a hallowed place in my music. Haunting, and powerful, beautiful and mesmerizing, . I’ve gotten a copy of every soundtrack, and I love them all.

The foggy streets. The monsters. The whispers. And the memories. Walking down the dark corridors, afraid to see what was beyond that last corner. What was the thing I couldn’t see in the cell? Why did mirror stopped mirroring me? What is following me? And why won’t it show itself?

That is why Silent Hill stands above and beyond all other games. I got lucky. I got to play the most haunting, cerebral horror I’ve ever seen. I got to explore themes no one had ever thought to put in a video game before. Team Silent did it and did it well. And I wouldn’t have any of that without Konami.

So if anyone at Konami sees this, I want you to know, you have my thanks. And if anyone from Team Silent sees this, you guys made something amazing. You caught lightning in a bottle. Thank you. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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