Wednesday, May 29, 2019

I think I understand much of the game's overall plot.-UNR

The main enemy of the game is the black sludge. This sludge came into being after a post apocalyptic event called the death stranding.

It seems that the sludge is made of some kind of biomass nanotechnology/primordial hive mind that is based on the memories of life. It consumes living and dead creatures and becomes an entity fuelled by their hate, suffering and pain over countless millennia of war and raw natural primordial hate.

It also seems to have some connection to time and space. It has the ability to accelerate time and make a living being live out it's life in seconds. It grows old and dies within seconds. Once it's dead it gets consumed. Kojima is trying to make a connection between the creation of time, space and consciousness of life.

The black sludge is the great aggregator. The opposite of the big bang, which resulted in the universe and life itself, the black sludge or the death stranding is an event that is aggregating and destroying everything.

What stands in their way are water bears. Water bears have been some of the most hardy living beings in existence, and it seems that they are immune to the effects of the DS or BTs. They also seem to have mutated to grow to size and consuming them gives you that immunity for some time.

The couriers (working for the organization known as bridges) are guides, mercenaries and couriers that are helping the last remnants of humanity fight the stranding. They deliver critical supplies and equipment and accompany scientists on critical missions for research against the enemy.

These couriers are special in the way that bridges as an organization also seems to hold the knowledge of all these scientists, their experiments and remnants of humanity so it can be preserved and studied by survivors to help progress the fight against the death stranding. They are important men, their memories are important in the fight against the death stranding.

The babies are clones of the couriers and connected to them using this technology. The black sludge knows these men are important and does not kill them by ageing them, and instead pulls them straight into the sludge into it's world of Hades where it holds the accumulated memories of the dead. Why? To what ends? we don't know. Perhaps it uses all that to restart the universe and another big bang happens. You can see that whenever it consumes someone with knowledge(a scientist in one of the trailers) it triggers an explosion. Perhaps once it has collected all life and it's consciousness, it will trigger another big bang.

Whenever Norman Reedus, hereby mentioned as sam, dies, he is able to survive in the world of Hades and sees the memories and consciousness of the dead in that dimension ( a throne world of death and suffering if you may) The sludge is a metaphysical paracausal entity from a world where the dead creatures' consciousness exists and replays all the wars and suffering. It's basically purgatory/hell/the underworld(hades' realm :|).

The technology of the babies comes from the water bears. The babies are clones and as soon as the carrier dies, they carry over all their memories, use the same time acceleration that the sludge uses and grow into a fully grown courier of the same age as their time of death, but they also hold the memories the courier sees in the world of hades before dying.

Using what they see inside they are able to help the scientists and surviving factions fight the death stranding.

From a gameplay perspective we will have to go collect a baby clone from a bridges base once we die. Or we get sent back to a bridges base on death (and after seeing visions or small gameplay levels in the world of Hades) and continue playing as the new fully grown clone of Sam (and a new baby in his pack)

The death stranding sludge also resurrects notorious and evil men to fight as minions and necromancers (technomancers) against humanity. Cliff (mads mikelssen) is one of them. They raise dead soldiers from that pool of consciousness to fight for them. They are key in the death stranding's plan to capture these couriers and use their knowledge to find the last remnants of humanity and defeat life itself.

It seems that perhaps, the last remaining humans are the only creatures who seem to have found atleast some sort of technology or solution to be able to resist and hide from the death stranding. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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