Thursday, May 30, 2019

My Idea on the Explanation on the Death Stranding Universe-UNR

Here are my ideas for Death Stranding:

Here are some of the things I’ve seen

-The rain is called Time Fall (may be one word)
-We see it age people to the brink of death in a previous trailer -We see at least one person (Mama?) tethered to what looks like a shadow lifting upwards
-Mads is talking to a baby in a container (may a s Bridge Baby)
-BB sounds a lot like baby
-Norman’s last name is Bridges, just like the in-game company
-It’s obviously not a baby who has been born, it still has an umbilical cord
-There is no USA anymore
-United Cities of America (UCA)
-Impending extinction event
-Groups are trying to stop it
-Groups are trying to survive despite it coming
-Groups have embraced it
-Homo Demens (Latin for ‘Man Insane/Mad’) is called a cult
-BT means Beached Things
-BTs relentlessly hunt the living
-BTs leave hand prints
-Mads shows up in WW1 and Vietnam
I’m sure there’s more.

Here’s my Idea of what happened or is happening

Mads wanted to create a way for everyone to connect with each other (much like the internet) maybe to reconnect with someone he lost. But it ended in catastrophe and somehow created a place where death and life exist next to and to some extent with each other. They’ve become tethered together. I say death but I really think it’s more along the lines of ‘not alive’. I think that the Beached Things are stuck between living and not living. Beached in this in between. It would explain why we leave footprints and they leave hand prints. Their hands are on the world of the living while their feet are aimed towards death.* So I’m thinking that these beings aren’t trying to pull you down, they’re trying to pull themselves back up. They’re probably still tethered to a body. It would also explain (political views aside) using fetal babies as bridges as a connection to those who aren’t yet alive. We saw Reedus fall through a body of water with copious sea life post death in one of the trailers where he’s sinking down way too fast. I think the Homo Demens may basically be a new evolution of mankind related to this. We don’t see a lot of religious cult like stuff, we see a new ‘species’ that was born from this connection to the tear in our worlds and our time with abilities we don't understand and the leader crying the black ink stuff. They have powers we don’t understand and come from somewhere we don’t understand and because humanity is so separated, this new species havs little opposition. Reedus may also be a clone baby. If the umbilical cords used in the Bridge Babies are synthetic it could explain the scar and lack of belly button on Reedus’s stomach in the first trailer.

This is the best sense I could make of what we know. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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