Wednesday, May 29, 2019

BGS and the Competition-UNR

I dare say this, acknowledging that Todd and his team do look at Reddit from time to time. The silence is deafening! How on earth, in the age of social media and instant news, has BGS managed to keep quiet for so long about their new IP? I've no doubt they're as excited about it as we are. Yet, not even a drip of a drop of a leak has come forth. It's actually quite impressive to be honest. To remain disciplined and to keep their composure and not let anything spill before it's time. I certainly couldn't do that.

But here's the thing. I remember reading a post on here a while back regarding the year 2015 and it's releases: Kojima: Metal Gear Solid V. CDPR: Witcher 3 and BGS: Fallout 4 all being released in the same year and in that order. All their new products seem to have lined up again in similar fashion this time around, at least the first two. And the common direction, not just from these developers, but from other AAA developers as well (Cloud Imperium's: StarCitizen/Squadron 42, Obsidian's Outer Worlds, EA's Anthem and Microsoft's Halo), is Sci-fi.

It is very clear. Sci-fi is the genre to take us from the 19's into the 20's. Kojima has just kicked things off with the Death Stranding trailer with Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen showing a release of November 2019. CDPR will announce their release date for Cyberpunk 2077 at this year's E3 and it's very likely it will be after Kojima's game, following 2015's sequence. Bethesda Game Studio's has the largest stage area of E3 this year. I'd say it's in their best interests to at least update fans of their progress in Starfield. Should they continue in radio silence until next year or the year after, it is not unlikely that millions of gamers' reactions will be... 'meh'.

That's not an exaggeration. The competition is real and BGS are always ambitious/tiring (depending on how you view it). Next gen has allowed multiple developers to take the gloves off and innovate. People can't be loyal to what they don't know. It is not Starfield 2. When you're talking about the really young gamers, they must chose their games one at a time for a period of time until the parent can afford another. Older gamers can try the whole host of what's available. But again, it's not unlikely that we'd have completely exhausted the Sci-fi genre after all the choice that's out there. Personally I've no doubt in BGS and their product. Timing is the issue. I don't know if their reputation of revealing games months before release has come due to coincidence and they just superstitiously follow it like tradition, or if it's a calculated marketing strategy.

I can tell you this. The competition can have an important say on the success of your product. I will wait for it, because I've waited for it way before it's first reveal and I desire anything resembling my Fallout 4 experience in space. I just pray it doesn't get left behind and it ends up becoming a niche and an acquired taste instead of a blockbuster hit. Starfield has been confirmed as being playable and I'm convinced that due to how ambitious BGS are, that they could steal the Sci-fi genre and never give it back if they show something off. It does 0 dis-service and they only gain. I know F76 has got a lot of flack and I'm sure it's not nice for all those who worked on it to hear that their hard work hasn't been well received. But it's very clear that it wasn't given as much time as their normal titles. It was a new experiment for them and they'll be better for it I'm sure. It is their prerogative to continue work on it and continue to make content and expansions for it. But by-God, I starve for more info on Starfield. Since late 2016, after the 2nd Trademark was filed, I've been starving ever since and refreshing this sub-reddit is probably skewing the viewing statistics. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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