Thursday, October 26, 2023

My thoughts on Daryl Dixon-UNR

So I would say overall I didn't really enjoy Daryl Dixon. I enjoyed aspects of it and certain scenes, but not as much as I could have. It's partially a matter of not meeting my expectations, but also it just not being as good as it couldve been and having flaws, like everything. People might disagree on how much those flaws hurt the show and if they can overlook them because of how great the rest of the show is, but for me there is too much bad writing, wasted potential, dumb, far fetched, contrived moments, and I think the whole premise of the show is flawed.

The whole vague mystical mystery aspect to it... it's just not for me, it doesn't fit in TWDU. I get them wanting to do something different, but honestly, it's not, we've already had our fill of hallucinations and dreams and pseudo supernatural stuff and weird stuff in TWDU. I would rather have a more grounded story and focus more on things that have already been set up with the walker experiments and variants, rather than this soap opera drama.

And the whole dilemma of whether Daryl should stay in France or go home to his family is ridiculously forced. I liked the Stranger in a Strange Land vibe to the show, and I mostly like the dynamics Daryl has with this characters, but come the hell on, Daryl needs to get back to searching for Rick and be with his family. The only reason he's not going home is because Carol is coming to France. And then once she is, what is to keep them from leaving together?! Clearly some bad shit went down in the Commonwealth, and someone is back, so why would they stay? I like Daryl being in France, but it isn't where he's meant to be, no matter how many mouthpiece characters say so.

So yeah, I'm pretty disappointed by the show. Again, there were moments I really enjoyed, like the experimental walkers battle of course, Daryl visiting his grandfathers grave, some of the more intimate and emotional scenes between Daryl and Isabelle and Laurent that really showed off how well Norman Reedus can act when you give him actual dialogue! And I will say Daryl can hold his own in his show. But there are too many characters and storylines and moments that are just dumb, boring or underdeveloped to me and there is so much potential there that was wasted. I hope that season 2 will be an improvement, and I am excited to see Daryl and Carol back together and what she brings to the adventures in France. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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