Sunday, October 8, 2023

Kaiser, the Relationship Expert-UNR

The New York City Ballet celebrated its 75th anniversary with a gala, and some celebs attended, including Diane Kruger. Diana also attended the NYC Ballet Gala in 2021. Oh, and 2016. And possibly more, but that's just what I found with a 30 second search.

You might be thinking, maybe Diane went because this is something she supports, based on the fact she's attended in the past? And maybe she came with her partner, Norman Reedus, because they wanted a fun date night?

But Kaiser, obviously an understander of romantic relationships, knows differently! Diane actually attended with Norman because she wanted to take shots at her ex-boyfriend, Joshua Jackson. Kaiser says:

I find it fascinating that Diane made a point of stepping out with her partner/fiance (and father of her child) Norman Reedus this week, the week that Jodie Turner Smith filed for divorce from Joshua Jackson. I think she did it on purpose, that she was looking for a chance to send a signal that she and Norman are still together.

It's funny, but it's actually kind of sad that Kaiser thinks this is how adult relationships work. Congrats to Diane Kruger I guess for somehow engineering the break-up of her ex and his wife the same week that the NYC Ballet Gala would be held, just so she could attend with her own partner to "send a signal" she is still with her partner for some reason?

I know we joke here but the glimpses we get into Kaiser's mind are often truly dark and depressing to me. She can't believe that sometimes other people just go around living their lives, doing the things that make them happy, and she can't understand that people in relationships sometimes end those relationships and move on and find happiness. She seems to really think everyone is like her - bitter, angry, and obsessed with some sort of score-settling for petty slights no one else remembers or cares about. Like I say, it's funny but actually sad. If I was acting like this, I would hope someone who cared about me would do a mental health check before I spiralled further and further, but for Kaiser I think the future only holds more spiralling. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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