Friday, September 25, 2020

Here are the Onslaught AMA answers-UNR

You can read the original here.

Is it possible to kill a walker with your fists?

Your hands are weapons, and used to push walkers back. That being said, it takes a really long time to kill a walker with your bare hand. That's why we added Carol's Knuckle Knife into the game so you can put on some knuckle dusters and uppercut a walker.

Will we be fighting against hostile human NPCs?

The game exclusively focuses on combat against massive walker herds. We wanted to make sure we provided the best combat experience possible when fighting these iconic enemies, so we made the choice to focus on polishing them instead.  That doesn't mean things will be easy - you will encounter interesting varieties of walkers that will force you to change up your combat strategy at the drop of the hat.  In campaign, you will confront the human cost of living in the world of The Walking Dead, but it won't be through direct combat with human enemies.

Can we visit Negan in his prison cell?

Negan's cell is still off-limits to most Alexandrians at the time the game takes place, but that doesn't mean you won't be hearing from him in another way...

Do all the cast from the TV show reprise their roles?

Norman Reedus, Melissa McBride, and Josh McDermitt have all provided their iconic voice talents as part of the game's cast. (editor's note: Daryl, Carol, and Eugene)

And most importantly, will the TV show main theme be present in the game?

You'll just have to wait and see on this one, although I can say there's plenty of music provided by the amazing Jesper Kyd to look forward to. Maybe even a remix of a familiar track...

Can you see your body when looking down?

Yes! As an additional bonus, the preorder edition comes with the Hunter Daryl and Sheriff Rick skins that will also be shown in first person when you use them.

Can walker's necks be snapped?

You can choke walkers and throw them around, but you've got to use a weapon to deal real damage to take them out.

Is there a story for each playable character or only Daryl?

There is a larger focus on Daryl's story, as you play from his perspective through the "Campaign" portion of the game, but you are also experiencing Alexandria through the perspective of Rick and can aid in the Scavenging efforts as either Rick, Michonne, or Carol who all have unique Scavenger dialogue.

Is there any other gamemodes planned to come at later dates like endless waves or something?

We consider Onslaught to be a complete single player experience, and any consideration of future expansions or content would be based on how well the game performs and additional discussions with AMC.

Is this game Officially part of the Canon Of the walking Dead show?


Will moments from this game be referenced in the show?

The game is set between season 8 and 9. The game helps set up the confrontation between Daryl and Rick in Season 9.

Can we talk to Negan in He's Cell?

While you can't talk to Negan or visit his cell directly, he's never exactly one to be ignored...

What was it like working with AMC and The Writers?

It was great! We developed the original script in house before working with our partners at AMC to ensure it is true to the show. Our partnership allowed us to explore a new corner of The Walking Dead universe while referencing all of the others!

Did you know the show was ending?

Due to where the game is set in the timeline, we didn't have to look too far ahead in terms of the show.

Is there a chance we could see DLC and Sequels to this game in the future?

While there are no plans at this time to continue supporting TWD:O with more content, never say never. If the game does well, there is always a chance for more content.

What is the estimated duration of the story?

Based on our estimations from our QA department, it takes about 10-15 hours to complete the game (based on skill level). In the game, you will be going back and forth between Daryl's story (Campaign) and the Scavenging efforts Rick and the rest are going through. New Chapter and new Scavenger Regions are unlocked by playing through the game.

Will the guns have manual reloading like Saints and Sinners?

Onslaught has manual magazine ejection as well as automatic ejection when out of bullets. Players need to grab a magazine from their hip and bring it up to the weapon's magazine "well" to reload. We have maintained a more streamlined reloading process (no racking) as we lean into faster, more action oriented combat and not slow simulator combat. For lever action weapons such as our Lever Rifle and Shotgun, there is an additional "cycling" action to load the next round in the magazine.

What counter measures does the game have for you trying to kill main characters like Darryl or Carol for example?

When you interact with the other characters in Alexandria, you can only have weapons equipped in the designated Armory area with attached firing range. Otherwise, we can't let you kill those characters since canonically they exist in Season 9.

Will this game contain many Easter Eggs and References?

Hey! The narrative team has tried to slip in as many easter eggs and references as we can.

Keep an eye out for iconic graffiti, quick mentions of your favorite survivors, and little details like including the word "Mandy" on the Red Machete.

What is the most absurd or unexpected weapon you can defend yourself with?

Depends on your familiarity with The Walking Dead...

If you are unfamiliar with TWD: Chopping up Walkers with the Battle Axe is just so bad-ass and out of nowhere.

If you are familiar with TWD: One of the "Scavenged Weapons" (only found and used during a Scavenger run) is a full-length Shovel.

How big is the size gonna be?

You will need at least 12gb free on your hard drive

My wife and I are currently on season 6 of walking dead. Will playing this game spoil the rest of the seasons for us since we’re playing as the main characters?

Also is this game open world or more linear like saints and sinners?

Hey! It's great to hear that you're catching up on the show before the game.

In terms of spoilers... the story of the campaign is self-contained, but it does reference the outcome of the Savior War seen in season 7 and 8. There is one piece of dialog between Rick and Daryl that references a major death on the show. If you want to avoid spoilers, it's definitely safer to watch first.

In terms of gameplay, Scavenger mode provides players with a relatively open area to explore, but they must continue move through it to escape the oncoming herd. After each Scavenger mission, players return to Alexandria and pick a new spot to explore.

Does the game contain many scripted jump scares?

The walkers do not jump. But you may get scared.

The game's primary focus is action. There is progression to the game, so the walkers may be a scary threat in the beginning, but in the end you will feel like an unstoppable one man army.

Will we have smooth locomotion and how would the movement in the game work?

Smooth locomotion is one of the three movement modes that are all equally supported throughout the entire game. Smooth is the way I like to play! ;)

You can set the direction to be based on hand or head direction in the settings.
The controls are:

Move (double tap to sprint)

X/O - strafe left/right

Triangle - backpedal (handy when you are trying to retreat from a horde!)

I'm a huge fan of Killing Floor incursion and I'm wondering if the controls are flexibility (left, right handed, smooth loco,teleport, snap and smooth turns , etc) are exactly the same

It has been a while since I played Killing Floor Incursion, so I cannot comment on all the settings there.

We are shipping with three different locomotion styles:

Teleport (can optionally turn on a quick transition lerp like we had in Raw Data)

Fluid (swing your arms to move - this will be a simplified version of what we had in Sprint Vector and West World Awakening)

Smooth (direction either based on head, or hand). You can strafe and move backwards with the face buttons. Similar to what we had in Raw Data

For turning we are supporting:

Snap (immediately turn without transition)

Swift (turn with a short lerp)


Is Onslaught narrative heavy? Or is it more kill walkers and ask questions later?

Kill Heavy. Kill questions and kill walkers later.

Can you undo a weapon upgrade if you don't like it?

We have developed proprietary undo technology. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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