Friday, May 8, 2020

I can't believe that just happened-UNR

So over the last 2 months, i've watched kind of a disgusting amount of movies. I've seen an obscene amount of movies in my life, but now im curious what else people will suggest that maybe i wont have seen. I've seen many really popular movies, so what are some off the wall blockbusters or indie movies that I'll probably like? Or movies that maybe aren't as popular as you think they should be?

My favorite movies of all time are ones that really make you think "I cant believe that just fucking happened" (s/o Norman Reedus a la Boondock Saints). My top 3 are probably: The Prestige Annihilation Gone Baby Gone

I've also recently watched, and loved, Ex Machina, Misery, Shot Caller, Shimmer Lake, Seven Psychopaths, Minority Report, Unbreakable.

I want to use my brain and be totally immersed in something. So what've you got for me, Reddit?

Edit: if you know if it's streaming anywhere, that would be super helpful as well Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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