Sunday, November 17, 2019

[REQUEST] [PS4] Death Stranding-UNR

Hello everyone, I’m applesdude123 and Hideo Kojima introduced me to the world of gaming. I wasn’t that big on games in my early childhood, my only early memories were seeing my dad play on the PS1/PS2. That wasn’t until 4th grade when I decided to ask my dad if I can play with him and the game was MGS IV. I remember being blown away by the game and asking my dad more about it and that’s when he introduced me to the original and the series overall. We formed a bond over our love of stealth games and the Metal Gear series. He went on to show me Hitman, Thief, and Splinter Cell. I remember surprising my dad with MGS V for his birthday and playing it with him all night until the sun came up.

Here comes Death Stranding. Currently, I’m in college and roughly 1000 miles away from my dad. We’ve been texting back and forth about Death Stranding and Hideo in general. I believe that Death Stranding is Hideo let loose and doing what he’s always wanted. After seeing trailers and reviews, it only cemented what I had in mind. I really don’t have money other than to eat and buy necessities, but I’m really itching to play Death Stranding and show it to my dad when I come back home next week.

On to the game itself, many are titling it a walking simulator and that really does seem to be the case, but I don’t put it past Kojima to make the best fucking walking simulator of all time. The mystery surrounding the game and it’s story is what has me more intrigued than anything. Who is Sam Porter? Why is he making all these deliveries? What are the BTs? Why is Norman Reedus carrying a baby? I hope to find those questions out with my dad and relive the memories that we had playing MGS. To me, Kojima really cemented what it is to experience a game and tell a groundbreaking story. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read why I want to experience the Death Stranding and hope everyone has a great day! :)

PS4: Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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