Wednesday, November 20, 2019

[TOMT] [Movie] 90's-ish two guys fight evil/demons and save world-UNR


Remember seeing this as a kid and have been coming up empty. Would appreciate any help.

Pretty sure I watched in in the mid 90's on either VHS or TV. Two brothers or friends somehow get involved in a fight against evil. They are made aware of a special phrase. If this phrase is said in the presence of demons(?) disguised as people they unknowingly all give the same response(something a long those lines). I think they didn't buy what they had been told and I think they might have said it jokingly to someone they thought was odd only to have them unwittingly out themselves as a demon by saying the canned response. The phrase was something a long the lines of "Do you believe in the existence of the everlasting light?".

One thing I do remember clearly is that one of the main characters keeps having a reoccurring dream and tells his friend/brother. In this dream he's waiting in line in a gas station about two deep, a hot girl walks in and goes to grab something. Meanwhile a bus full of people flood the store, they all grab something and get in line fast. The girl then goes to get in line and is bummed about how long the line is, and the MC says something a long the lines of "Hey honey, did you get the Whatever is in her hands and motions to her to join him in line. The final scene is his dream actually occurring.

Originally I thought Norman Reedus was in it, but I'm not seeing it on his IMDB page. Since the movie i'm thinking of has two brothers/friends I might just be mixing up a bit of it with Boondock Saints.

Thanks, Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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