Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Why does the acting feel so bad in Season 11?-UNR


I can't tell if it's me just growing up, growing tired of seeing the show drag on or the actors have just given up? The acting in Season 11 doesn't feel as compelling and good as it did in earlier seasons. Some of the lines and deliveries feel like shit you would see in a school play, hell sometimes worse. Not all of them are bad of course, some characters still feel real to me but man, Season 11c made me realize how shit some of the lines were. Not only b-tier characters but some of my favourites have even begun to slip up, atleast- that's what it feels like.

It feels like they wanted to end the show so badly that they just rushed the script, so they could move on to the spinoff shows as quickly as possible. It's horrible having to listen to some characters speak sometimes, makes my skin crawl. Which is extremely dissapointing because when i heard Season 11 would be the final chapter of the main show, i was so excited to see how it would end and where the characters would be by the end of it, but as the season slowly drags on, i feel as if i'm losing interest and motivation to even keep watching it. Probably will though, cause the show is so important to me and i've basically grown up with it but man this last season feels dreadful to watch. Not only is the acting subpar, but the plot has turned the show into something it really did not need to turn into. I understand that it only makes sense that after a while the Walkers would become less and less of a problem, as civilizations and settlements would get stronger and bigger. But in the process, the show has lost what i found so charming about it way back when i first started watching it, the grittiness and depressing tones of the show was the whole reason why i loved it so much. Nowadays, however, it just feels like any other shitty half-political drama show mixed in with a sprinkle of zombies for extra touch. The "Villains" of Season 11 have been extremely boring, especially when compared to people we've had in the past, like the Governor. I haven't read the comics to the fullest, so i never saw the Commonwealth in the comics (Even though i knew about them and how the story ended there) but from what i've heard from friends and strangers shilling it, it was alot better than this. Ashame.

I sincerely hope they fix their shit for the spinoff shows, especially the Rick one and the Daryl one. Andrew Lincoln was my favourite part of the show and ever since he left it's been an even bigger downhill ride than when Glenn died. Pretty much the only reason i'm still watching the main show is cause of Norman Reedus, so if the spinoff featuring him is as dreadful as Season 11 has been so far, i'm afraid i will have to sadly let go of one of my favourite shows of all time.

Reason i'm posting this is cause i want to see if anyone agrees with me or if its me just not enjoying the plot for the final season, what with the commonwealth and everything.

TLDR; The acting in Season 11 feels really subpar at times, and the lines and deliveries feel cringey and forced. Feels like shit i would see in a school play. Does anyone else share these opinions?

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