Monday, March 23, 2020

[TOMT]UK drama/documentary exploring a divide/age war between young and old people. Between 2008-2010 maybe. Horizons?-UNR

I thought it might have been Horizons but I can't find an episode description like it. Was a while ago, probably over a decade.

It was a one off drama, maybe an hour long, and it was a near future world where old people owned all the property and were living longer, while young people were working and having to support them, but having very little themselves. The story focused around a young man and his mother, while a rebellion was growing. He was involved in some way, Can't remember if he orchestrated it, or was just swept up in it. Don't remember how it ended.

There may have been a tie in documentary that ran before or after the episode, and the whole thing was very "What if..." in tone. Most likely BBC, could also be a Channel 4 thing.

Not that it matters much, but the guy was quite thin, maybe had a green army jacket on, sort of Thom Yorke/McKenzie Crooke/Norman Reedus looking guy, while his mother was typical pearl clutching Middle-England type upper middle class woman, late 50s, early 60s.

Fairly sure this predates Black Mirror. I guessed 2008-2010 because I lived alone then and this was the sort of stuff I watched. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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