Sunday, March 1, 2020

Death Stranding was not a good game.-UNR

From watching the trailers and seeing the strange but alluring imagery, people creating interesting theories that raised the hype for the game overall, to a game which pretty much is just walking from Point A to Point B without allowing your packages and shit to get damaged by anything.

Despite me enjoying some of the crazy and weird stuff, I did not truly care about the motive of the game. "WE MUST SAVE AMERICA" "YOU NEED TO HELP SAVE AMERICA, SAM". Saving America consisted of being an Amazon delivery guy, walking for about 20 mins, sometimes getting attacked by BTs and MULEs. Fun? No. It's absolutely tedious and not even Troy Baker and Norman Reedus could make me feel better about the overall repetiveness of the game.

The atmosphere is amazing. The landscape is detailed. But why should I care about it if all I'm doing is traversing it and delivering packages. I'm not saying it should've been a shooter, which it randomly divulges into when fighting Cliff and his clones, but it felt like the entirety of the game was just an absolute DRAG.

Why should I play Death Stranding when I can play The Last Guardian, Firewatch... literally ANYTHING else? There were good bits about it, but it really wasn't worth it. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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