Sunday, September 29, 2019

[Death Stranding] Was Kojima taking the piss out of Geoff Keighley? Spoilers for unreleased game-UNR

This trailer was released a while back showing off peeing mechanics and a semi famous person's face as a character.

1) The trailer starts off with the title card for "Ludens Fan". Ludology is the study of games and Kojima has taken to calling humans, Ludens, as in Homo Sapiens who game.

The fan here refers to Geoff Keighley, a games journalist/ show producer who is friends with Kojima and famously spoke up against Konami when Kojima was fired and banned from attending the games awards. Geoff appears in the trailer as a fan of the organisation in the game or symbolically Geoff is a fan of games/celebrities like Norman Reedus and Kojima.

2) Also in the trailer, the mechanics of peeing are shown, it's a weird thing, but whatever. In the UK 'taking the piss' is a phrase used to mean mocking someone.

Wait you say, Kojima's Japanese, he couldn't possibly know what that means. Ah but, Kojima is also a cinephile, watching a single movie up to 14 times(Mad Max) if he really likes it, you can find it on the same channel where he reviews films.

He's probably semi fluent in English, but as Japanese people are afraid of embarrassing themselves, seldom uses it.

It's not out of the realm of possibilities that watching a Guy Ritchie film he would have heard that phrase.

3) Creators and Fans. There's a well known subset of creators who dislike critics, mostly because it's far easier to criticize than to create. While I don't believe Kojima fits in this group he does realise that Geoff is more of a fan/critic than creator.

So while not malicious, he does make a point here. The creator/main character is doing all the hard work, while the fan/critic sits in their little bubble and offers praise and criticism.

In the video, Geoff acts pretty cringy by Western standards, like a otaku fan at an idol meet and greet.

Ultimately the words of fans and critics mean little and the creator carries on working moving towards a further goal. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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