Saturday, June 16, 2018

Um, Death Stranding about Scientology?-UNR

Or is it at least drawing from Scientology's mythology? Sounds crazy, I know. But check out these parallels between DS and scientology. I gotta credit user/Siilk (idk how to tag him on this forum). But he and I were talking in another thread about how in the Japanese subtitles for trailer 4, the ghost things were referred to as "BT" and it was Siilk that suggested that could possibly be a reference to Scientology's "Body Thetans."

Body thetans are similar to the concept of self, or the spirit or soul. A body thetan or a BT is a disincarnate thetan (alien spirit) who is "stuck" in, on or near a human body, and all human bodies are said to be infested by these disembodied thetans, or clusters of them. Body thetans came about approximately 75 million years ago through a catastrophe brought on by a galactic dictator named Xenu.

Then I went down a Scientology rabbit hole.

If you don't know the (batshit crazy) story....Xenu was the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who 75 million years ago brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as "Teegeeack") in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual and physical harm.

OK, so Xenu trapped these thetans in ice, and put them around volcanoes on Earth, and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Which turned them into incorporeal spirits.

What does Iceland have a lot of? Volcanoes and ice.

Xenu - what does he look like?

Southpark illustrated Xenu to look like this:

... and he is described on wikipedia as "vaguely humanoid alien with tentacles for arms." Sound familiar?

That's not all. In Scientology the goal is to advance to a state of "clear." Made me think of the 5 clear sky beings in trailer 4. And how do you advance to this state of clear? Scientology calls it "The Bridge To Total Freedom" or simply, THE BRIDGE.

So there's a BRIDGES reference.

But what of the babies in DS? How would these tie into Scientology? In a 1990 article the LA Times wrote scientologists believe that when a person dies—or, in Scientology terms, when a thetan abandons its physical body—they go to a "landing station" on the planet Venus, where the thetan is re-implanted and told lies about its past life and its next life. The Venusians take the thetan, "capsule" it, and send it back to Earth to be thrown into the ocean off the coast of California. They quote Hubbard as saying, "If you can get out of that, and through that, and wander around through the cities and find some girl who looks like she is going to get married or have a baby or something like that, you're all set. And if you can find the maternity ward to a hospital or something, you're OK. And you just eventually just pick up a baby."

What do you think? I think it would be very sneaky and a little brilliant of Kojima to draw from Scientology mythology because that's literally the last place most people would think to look when trying to figure out DS. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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