Friday, May 25, 2018

we should try to narrow down some things.-UNR

some theories are absolutely excellent. I think the theory that Ground Zeroes is a VR mission holds some weight. Especially with the evidence people have gathered.

But the whole DS/MGS/PT theory is patchy. We know for definite Norman Reedus was to appear in Silent Hills, that's %100 certain because of the trailer and Kojima himself. The links between MGSV and PT (SH) are few, we have hell's kitchen (the street from the trailer) and in MGSV we have a cassette tape "204863" which is a nod to PT, we also find in some of the Truth Tapes that Zero is living/located in Hell's Kitchen.

So we have two strong links, so that theory is not disproved. PT/SHs could've been related to Metal Gear Solid V. ...

Now Death Stranding, so far from what we have seen from trailers and images there is no SOLID evidence that DS is anything to do with MGSV, it has more in common with PT & Metal Gear SURVIVE.

*DS things in common with Survive.

  • Possible Underwater Setting

  • Baby Creatures "Kojima Bots"

  • Some Kind Of Limbo version of Earth?

*DS things in common with SHs/PT

  • Norman Reedus

  • gloopy worm things (Chicos head had them coming out the mouth)

  • Aliens (possibly?)

Now is this because Konami reused some ideas that Kojima left in notepads? Or is it a deliberate attempt to link all of these games?

TLDR: I think we should start working backwards, try to debunk everything and we will be left with the biggest theories that hold weight. Serious weight.

EDIT: also we should name the theories with the most evidence behind them so it's easier for the community to grasp it. Could someone start work on a chart or something? Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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