Tuesday, May 29, 2018

If David is Solid and Eli is Liquid, then Sam is Solidus-UNR


Before I begin, note that this is just a mgs theory for tinfoilers and that "George Sears" was just a civilian alias for his presidency. We don't know what was Solidus's birth name.

It's important to note that Kojima has mirrored the stories of Solid and Liquid down to the fine details as the Bible. Liquid (Eli) and his "wicked" sons (metaphorical allegory for his foxhound team in MGS1) ended up being perished. While Liquid was still alive, there came a successor, Solidus. "Sam" is short for Samuel.

Like the MGS story follows, Eli was the high priest, the second-to-last Israelite judge. He ended up being succeeded only by Samuel (see 1 Samuel 7:15). And while Samuel had better intentions in the Bible, he and his sons (Dead Cell) ended up not being chosen by God at the end.


I might make a full blown analysis like people here used to do sometime in the future. But I'd just like to point out that Solidus's story echoes directly with Samuel's. So what I'm proposing is that Samuel or "Sam" is actually Solidus. People here would ask about the whole supernatural creepy stuff going on, and I'd just like to point out the multitude of theories that DS mirrors the alternate dimension of what we religiously know as Purgatory.

Which brings me to something a lot of people missed. MGS and PT has one trope in common (along with the joke trope of aliens). That is, aborted babies. In Metal Gear lore, we are given two narratives of the aborted sons of Big Boss. According to The President James Johnson, who was considered to be closest to the project, he told Raiden that Big Boss had 6 aborted sons during the Les Enfant Terribles project to have the remaining two (David/Solid and Eli/Liquid) survive. And out of the 6 aborted sons, one still managed to survive (that being Solidus).

In the second account, we are told from Naomi (a far source from the LET project) to Solid Snake, that Solidus was birthed separately. Naomi herself wasn't a good source of information, as she's lied to the player (Solid) many times about her history such as her relation to Gray Fox, her name, and what really happened during the big shell incident with Colonel Campbell.

So you might ask, who then is Mads Mikkelsen? I'd propose that we will be having 6 major male characters, with the star being Norman (obviously). Mads is most likely an aborted son of Big Boss, and his name is John (according to the "John/location Sheffield" leak). While 5 characters will be fighting in the purgatory-like dimension over the baby to be used as a vessel to be reborn into the world, other minor characters such as Del Toro's (brain dead) are dead souls or comatose people helping influence but not pull the strings of what we call life.

It's also probably why we are all Norman Reedus, aka sam. As Kojima is emphasizing the connections and collaborative community gameplay, we all as Sam have to help each other out to win the game and be born into the land of the living and escape Death. You can't have a Sam being born into the world while the other Sam is still dead, that's a paradox.

Tl;dr; Sam is Solidus. We are all Sam. Sam is in the land of the dead as a dead infant soul. We have to make sure to help each other out and win the game together, because if we don't we are causing a paradox.

https://ift.tt/2JdgR18 Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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