Thursday, January 11, 2024

Jaime Brooks (grimes' ex) talking about her in the discord-UNR

Not sure if this is already public knowledge at this point, but there are some chats from a few years ago in the elite gymnastics server where Jaime talks about c. Nothing all too juicy but some tidbits I read (I just scanned some stuff) was:

Claims she has about 3 albums worth of music that is similar to her older style, but she won't put out

Jaime very much dislikes Mike (Bloodpop), hated the track "Go" and thought it was a terrible idea to make an MV for it.

Claims c is probably lurking in the server and hacked Jaime's twitter

Jaime got to keep the dog (Quiet) because c wasn't strong enough to control her (a Pitbull).

In the early days, c didn't know when to say no to things like promo and overworked herself to the bone (which is why cancelations sometimes happened). Claims she was obsessed with getting AOTY for Art Angels.

"she is where she is because she's white and skinny and looks young"

There's a bunch of other mentions but those are less interesting. Was aware of Lorde before Royals and she was an industry plant, c met Hideo Kojima through Norman Reedus (lol), weird run-ins with Kanye, great experience with JayZ and Lizzo, dude from Cigarettes after Sex might be a creep (allegedly!!!!!)

In general Jaime has a lot of great insights about the music industry. She has a lot of experience but has stated that she hates almost everything about it.

Her blog: Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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