Tuesday, March 1, 2022

A late-comer's in deapth discussion regarding Daryl Dixon's sexuality.-UNR


So I just started watching the Walking Dead after having been on a sort of hiatus (if that is the correct term that I am looking for) since season 6. As of now, I am nearing the end of what is on Netflix as of the moment and have been enjoying the friendship shown between Daryl and Carol. This being said, I began to wonder about his many possible love interests that were presented throughout the show's entirety and how they kept pushing him down the path of "40 year old virgin" status (which I have nothing against as one of my heterosexual guy friends is in his late 30s and proudly retains his vCard). Still, I couldn't help wonder who could have made a cute ship with him if it had not been for their untimely deaths, disappearances, or them just wanting to be friends (i.e. Carol as I could see them making a cute and wholesome couple in an alternate universe). Anyhow, as my curiosity grew, I did a quick search and saw that many people had thought he was gay, asexual, etc., and that Norman Reedus said that if that was the path the creators would go down, he would fulfill the role and while the creators did say that he is in fact heterosexual, they did say he was "somewhat" asexual which could actually be seen as him leaning towards a more hetero-demisexual idea rather than asexual as demisexuals do not have sex unless they love the person they are with and have no desire for sexual relationships outside of that. There is also a difference between aromantic and asexual, so again, this could also state, with whomever may be his future (or current since I am behind) love interest, he may share some longing feelings of romance for a person rather than a sexual one thus leaning on the creator saying he is hetero and partially asexual.

In conclusion, Daryl Dixon could fall between: A) Hetero-romantic and Asexual B) Hetero-Demisexual C) He just wasn't fully developed mentally prior to the show airing and with the on-going apocalypse always getting in the way, never really having the time to develop in THAT way until later on (sort of like when you are in a traumatic situation and have no time to feel other emotions outside of being in survival mode and stuff until you are away from it).

But hey, that's just a-

Matpat from Game/Film/food Theory, storms in and scolds me for stealing his outro.

https://ift.tt/4xId6gT Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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