Sunday, July 28, 2019

I think I may be bisexual-UNR

I think I may be bisexual. Just for some context I've never been in a real relationship with either a girl or boy. Ever since high school I've had very low self-esteem mainly due to being overweight and had no friends. But however, during my time in university I've lost a massive amount of weight and made great friends. This gave me a confidence boost but I'm still intimidated by the idea of being with someone as I still have doubts on whether I feel worthy of being with someone. I've always been greatly attracted to girls and having massive crushes, but while in university I started questioning. I'm questioning in a more objective way because a thought crossed my mind. How does anyone truly know their sexuality without trying something outside it to really know. I use a soda analogy. "Do you like Coke? Yes! Do you like Sprite? No." The point of the soda analogy is that you at least have tried them to know what you liked. Maybe you like both sodas or maybe prefer one over the other or maybe you don't like either. You know what you liked and therefore can define yourself. This is what I kinda thought of sexuality. On a more subjective I find myself incredibly attracted to a persons personality and character. Overall modesty and confidence is the most attractive no matter if their gender is male or female. But I am attracted to physical traits as well, just personality traits overshadow them a little bit. I appreciate nice smiles, eyes, and ass. Also good body that compliment their gender. I consider myself open to trying new things to fully confirm things. What made me question is because I became really attracted to my good male friend. He is incredibly humble, hard working, and very kind. He also has a great physique and nice ass. He is straight and I'd never infringe or threaten our friendship. Unless I knew the feelings were mutual. There is a very small number of guys I would considered attracted to in my time in University compared to the girls. Probably I've been attracted to 3 guys I know while I was attracted to 12 girls. I also testing things out on tinder while I was out of my home state while on vacation. I matched with this guy who I really liked, he kinda help me realize I could be open in exploring. He had all the traits I was attracted to that kinda made me feel content with the label of bisexual but we never fully followed through in meeting due to my vacation. I also have a giant man crushes on Jason Mamoa and Norman Reedus. There is a quote in my favorite video game, Mass Effect 2, by Kelly Chambers who says something on the lines of "intimacy brings understanding, and thats nice wherever you find. Character matters, not race or gender." I also heard a quote that said whatever gets you hard, that's your sexuality. To test this I got hard on all categories of porn. . Maybe I'll like it maybe I don't but at least I'll know. I seriously feel indifferent about labels,to be honest I just want to say I like what I like. Would I be considered bisexual or just questioning? Also to be sure of your sexuality don't you need to try the other to know (whether you are straight, gay, or bi) ? Also if you are bisexual mind telling how you determined that (Also do you take personality taken into account) ? Also any advise on how to go about confirming your sexuality? Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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