Sunday, October 21, 2018

The talking brown paper bag in P.T. and how it connects to Death Stranding-UNR

“I walked. I could do nothing but walk.”: what do we do as Sam in DS? We walk, apparently. A good portion of the SILENT trailer was literally just Sam walking and walking and walking… he could do nothing but walk.

“And then, I saw me walking in front of myself. But it wasn't really me.”: Do you happen to remember Norman Reedus’ comments about what Kojima told him? That us, the players, would not only play as Sam but that we would become him. And by playing Death Stranding, a game played from a third-person perspective, you would be seeing “yourself” walking in front of you. But it isn’t really you.

“Watch out. The gap in the door... it's a separate reality. The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?”: In my opinion, this can be interpreted in two ways.

  1. The first being the idea of travelling to alternate dimensions/universes, which we know for a fact is one of the biggest themes in the Silent Hill series (the Otherworld is an alternate dimension). In the second DS trailer, we can interpret that Mads seems to be travelling through time and dimensions, evident through the difference in his and the skeleton soldiers' equipment and weapons. Also, notice the red flashing lights in the same scene, which seem to be an indicator of travelling across universes in both P.T. and DS. Similarly, in P.T., once the lighting in the hallway starts flashing red, it indicates to the player that we’ve been transported to the Otherworld.
  2. Another way it could be interpreted is if we consider the online component in DS. Some people have theorized that we will be playing as a “chiral” version of Sam in DS, with our versions having an effect on other player’s Sams. We could see marks from other players as handprints or footprints in our own gameplay. It’s also worth noting that handprints seem to be present in both the Silent Hills concept trailer and in P.T. as well. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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