Monday, October 22, 2018

Random thoughts.-UNR

Alright so I haven't played a Kojima game sense probably phantom pain. And this game I'm really interested in because it seems to speak to me on a number of levels. It's obviously a Sci-Fi game and obviously also it's meant to be a horror game. However I'm not entirely sure if it's meant to be more physical horror or psychological horror. Now from what we have been able to glean from what few bits of information that have been released it seems that whenever the player character is killed in this world there's some kind of nuclear style explosion. And that these infants that are located in those artificial womb type things are apparently some kind of Safeguard to this. However the one thing that I've been wondering is why exactly is the character played by Norman Reedus doing what he's doing? I mean the few gameplay videos that we have seen make him out to be some kind of Courier. But why? It's quite obvious that regardless of whatever it is he's carrying he seems to carry whatever people want with little to no questions. After all in one video we are shown that he is carrying large amounts of cargo and then another shot in the video he appears to be hauling a body. I'm definitely curious as to why he does what he does and of course also curious as to what exactly happened to the world itself and why it is the way it is in the game. I'm also curious to see on what will be possible for our character to do and what won't. Will we have a way to defend ourselves from these otherworldly entities that we are trying to hide from? Will we simply have to rely on stealth? What about this gentleman with the skull shaped helmet. What is his motivation for what he's doing? Or what about the woman that we see in one of the other sequences who goes upon to eat what I swear I thought was a fetus. So many questions that will hopefully be answered when this game is released. However for me the biggest question is when are we going to get it? I'm certainly hoping that this game doesn't pull a cyberpunk 2077 and just disappear off of the collective radar for a couple of years. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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