Saturday, December 9, 2017

A Slightly Convoluted Set of Theories From Trailer 3-UNR

Ok a few possible game mechanics and story details I noticed.

  • Invisible monsters take any dead material with them and are attracted by anything dead.

  • Monsters can find you by sound. When the monster started moving, they immediately put their hands on their mouths. This means it's sound-sensitive, so much so that it may be able to hear breathing.

  • If monsters hear you, they will take you. It seems that if they get the dead, it gets consumed and becomes oil. If it takes you and you were alive, you'll become a skeleton slave from the last trailer.

  • Gunshot sounds count as noise, so you risk being seen by the monsters if you shoot. This is, most likely, where the stealth aspect comes in (Stealth horror genre, anyone?)

  • Apart from trails, the only way to detect the monsters are babies. This may mean the only way to detect death is life.

  • It also seems that the babies are valuable in this world, most likely because in a world of death, the few new lives are the only way to defeat the monsters. This may point to a big daddy-lil sister relationship a la Bioshock.

  • Everything decays and becomes oil, organic or inorganic. Makes me wonder if this introduces a permadeath mode for the game or justifies that you will lose items if you die.

  • The satellite antenna has a scan, standby and off mode. Scan is when it flips open and close, most likely looking for monsters. Standby is during a Rapture event and off is when the kids are off.

  • It may be possible that each person in this video has pods of themselves as babies from another time. They use themselves as connections through time. Each pod may summon a baby version of themselves in time. If baby dies, they die permanently. If they die but baby lives, they get reborn. This can be a risk-reward type respawn. If baby YOU dies, you cease to exist = game over.

  • Norman Reedus' name may be Porter, which also signifies him being the porter of life and death. He is Patient Zero - the first one that has been haunted by the monsters.

  • The ocean scene, brimming with life, is a whole new world/multiverse/timeline that is about to be ravaged by the monsters.

  • It's possible that, as Patient Zero, Norman is the only one that can jump timelines with the knowledge on how to save humanity, reason why he has formulae for black holes.

  • The setting might be in a world where everyone was still warring even after the entire threat of monsters. Bridges may be the multi-cultural, multi-national and multi-dimensional team that is trying to solve the monster problem.


What this may mean, all of these, is that DEATH STRANDING is literal. The monsters AKA "Death" strands you between life and death. If "death" takes you dead, you disappear and gets decomposed. If "death" gets you in life, you are stranded in between as an undead. Much like how a literal cetacean stranding happens, you decompose if you're a fish that has died when you're stranded. If you got stranded alive, you're stuck to being as good as dead but not dead enough - since fish cannot go back to the ocean. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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