Tuesday, August 25, 2020

[Gamedev] How Kojima chose the themes to Death Stranding-UNR


Been on a rabbit hole of MGS conspiracy/analysis videos recently and it occurred to me how much it reflected his state of mind

Konami and Metal Gear Solid - MGS1 started off as a story about super soliders, giant mechs and nuclear war, about genetics and choice. By MGS4 and V, there were triple agents, civil wars, proxy wars, people backstabbing and lying constantly.

I imagine this was what he was experiencing as Konami refused to let Kojima end MGS until he was fired, his studio Kojima Productions vs the other subsidiaries of Konami and him fighting with his bosses to get a chance to make Silent Hill or any other games.

Sony and Death Stranding - Kojima got a new start with the help of his relationship with management at Sony and strong fanbase. Death Stranding tells the story of a start of a new world, where people get stronger through network and helping each other. It's a story about 1 guy vs the world, but gains companionship from collaborators, (literally in the form of real life Norman Reedus and Guillermo del Toro). He mentioned that he wanted the game to only be positive because of the state of the world, but I'm guessing his internal state of mind reflects the freedom and responsibility he was given.

https://ift.tt/2Eus6BR Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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