Saturday, July 18, 2020

Just finished rewatching 9x05-UNR

As the title says I just finished watching Rick's last episode for the second time, and I forgot how amazing this episode was. I knew this episode was going to be emotional but I forgot how much.

I'll start off with Negan in this episode. JDM had always been a great actor but when he's with Maggie begging to die it's just amazing. You can feel his pain and you can feel how much he just wants to be with Lucille.

I absolutely loved Rick's dream/hausantion things with past characters. His one with Shane was amazing because for parts of it they act like they're just hanging out in that cop car and they're just talking. The one with Herschel was amazing because seeing Scott Wilson and Andrew Lincoln act together again is just incredible. And the one with Sasha was amazing because it was just good. And the one we're everyone begins to save Rick on the bridge is amazing because Danai Gurira and Andrew Lincoln act together beautifully and it was just amazing. (Sorry I know I'm saying amazing a lot but apparently I don't have better words to describe anything.)

Rick being on the bridge and blowing it up is an incredible scene for many reasons. And also I takes a lot to see Daryl cry so you know the scene is emotional when he does, (also Norman Reedus is just a great actor.)

I had also forgotten that they introduced Judith at the end of the episode and let me just say her introduction was fantastic.

Overall 9x05 is an absolutely amazing episode. I love this show so much and I care a lot about it so seeing incredible episodes like this one is perfect.

(I probably forgot somethings but oh well. Also I hope all this made sense. I'm bad with wording things sometimes sorry. This is all just my opinion feel free to disagree.) Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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