Tuesday, December 31, 2019

[Episode 6] [spoiler] Thoughts, Praise, and criticism.-UNR


First off let me just say that Kojima is a genius. Who in their right mind would make a game that is based almost entirely on the most boring aspect of gaming?? That being traveling from place A to B, sometimes through point C. And that's exactly what this game is. But it's not boring. Not at all. It's actually really fun and difficult to plan the routes and analyze what you need to get there and how much you can take different deliveries to deliver on the way there. And try to remember if there's orders you can take down the road that doesn't divert you from your path too much.

That being said this might be the grindiest game ever made. So I do understand the criticism some people have that it's boring, so in a way I don't really get what Kojima said that people don't understand the genius of the game and that "Americans with ADHD" don't like it because it's slow paced... I don't think that's fair. But that's just the old guy in Kojima speaking, and should be ignored.

Now I've only played Kojima's previous game MGSV: Phantom Pain and loved that. I loved the playability and how it performed on standard PS4. And same goes for this. This thing runs great. I haven't noticed any major framerate drops like in RDR2, HZD and especially Days Gone... The playability is great... Except for combat. Why on Earth would you shove all equipment under one button? Switching between weapons and grenades quickly is a pain since it's sprinkled between ladders, blood bags PCCs and Norman Reedus' penis (well done Kojima). They are color coded but I can't remember what was a bola gun and what was what and the menu is also blurry... Really this slow menu should be accompanied with total time stop...

About the plot. So far it's keeping me interested. Only come across one twist that doesn't really have the effect it maybe should. When BB is going through maintenance by Deadman in episodes 6 Sam seems to be missing him and talks to him. And also now calls him Lou... But their relationship really didn't develop to the point that I'd be emotionally invested in it. And really didn't know that Sam has such fond feelings of him. Also I didn't know he called him Lou.. If there was more dialogue from Sam. Like he would tell stories about his life and all that on their travels. Kojima made Venom Snake talk less so that he wouldn't have much of a personality so that the character would take the personality of the player more.. but that kind of stonefaced personality doesn't really work for Sam as well because this is a guy trying to connect the world and I'd think more social personality would benefit his journey. But that's just me..

But yeah... So far I'm in love with this game and I want it never to end. I actually have no idea what part of the game I'm at. I think I'm about 50 hours in... The online aspect is a great idea. It's fun to see other players stuff around the world... It makes you feel like you're not alone...

Can't really tell is this art like Kojima described it, because a lot of the mechanics and all those little things like the menus and sound effects when going to vehicles, slomo bits collecting stuff and doing CQC feel very familiar to MGSV... So is recycling old ideas in the definition of ground breaking art? It's not really a complaint. I have conflicted feelings about it, since I like the familiarity of it all, but seeing something familiar in a game that was supposed to be something totally new is kinda... Well. We'll see when I get to the end of this all.

PLEASE try not to spoil anything from this point forward. I'm right now doing those missions I don't have Lou with me...

PS. I think with "Die-Hardman" Kojima out Kojimad himself.

https://ift.tt/2QdSVNu Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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