Friday, December 23, 2016

Small thought on ludens-UNR

Straight to the point!

Previous KojimaPro Logo was FOX Unit from MGS, it appeared in the game. Connected to it and was part of it. Now this new Logo of Ludens and its Mascot seems like could be the real deal. That is in the game and might be Norman Reedus. YongYea made a video on this and he kinda proves that it is Norman under there. Which could mean that the whole Ludens is connected.

Now I made a post talking about the baby and the doll and maybe being Norman's baby in the tube. But now something triggered in my mind, what if the baby, Norman and Ludens...presuming they are one are basically a cycle that repeats itself?

On the poster and the chosen music it keeps saying I'll Keep Coming. Which means if we were to think literal it keeps coming back, in the context of the game with the Death in play what if it means he keeps coming back from the dead to do what he must?

Maybe the Norman we see is his dead body in limbo and he disappears (the baby) to be reborn with Guillermo? Maybe all this death and reborn is what is causing all the environmental damage??

What if the Company called Bridges as seen on Guillermo's jacket means they bridge the way between death and life? Giving a chance to come back

Now considering the baby is in fact Norman reborn what does it mean? Does it mean he has to die again and again for a purpose?

Read this: "Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays."

This was something I found when researching Homo Ludens the book. This is amazing. If he dies and comes back and again...I'll Keep Coming...this means he has to play again and again until he is a man and he never is a man to play.

He is connected to life and death hence Death Stranding. He can't die he has to Keep Coming Back until something is done. What is it?

Maybe the world we see in the trailers aside from Limbo and Norman's reborn state hence why he is naked...The world Guillermo is Hell. Weird stuff, dead people all around. This is hell.

Norman is being punished and has to do this on a loop again and again until something must be done or...breaks the loop.

Those 5 figures might be protecting the loop ensuring everyone in it cannot escape. Now, Ludens also is something featured in Time Wanderers book. We all know this

What interested me is that they play with human minds and experiment on them for their own interest.

The weird cables the baby's box everything in it must be their experiment. They are creating a Hell and Limbo of their own creation to experiment on humans and see their reaction to it. Kinda cruel. Maybe Norman is the one who knows or is informed of this Loop and tries to break it.

If the Adam and Eve part going round the internet is correct then this means Kojima is making the Adam and Eve story with his twist saying we lived differently until one broke the curse gave us a chance to make our own choices instead of being controlled by Ludens.

Maybe their death is what makes...our world? Maybe Norman inherits the Ludens' powers? Is a loop really going on? Weird, cruel experiments done on them?

Tell you what, I'm sure the next trailer is weirdly connected to the first two feeling as if it's a continuation on this Loop with Norman experiencing it.

Also, people having to work together for this game is probably the Loop as we try to find an irregularity and stop it from continuing. Who knows?

Any thoughts? Please do say I'm very interested to see how you see my ideas Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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