Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Secret Fun Facts about Death Stranding-UNR


There are so many little things that make it known this game was made with love. So much attention to detail, it really inspires me.

Let’s get started:

  1. Carrying chiral crystals makes Sam lighter (every 1000 chiral crystals held will reduce Sam’s weight by 1kg)

  2. You can use your strands to tie cargo down on carriers, bikes, trucks etc.

  3. Hand carried cargo will not take damage if you fall (Sam protects it with his body)

  4. As you know, you can throw cargo held in your hands. What you may not know is Sam throws farther with his right hand!

  5. This may already be known, but when entering MULE territory try sending a ping of your own using your odredek at exactly the same moment as the MULE scanner goes off (there is a little leeway with this, I have sent a ping a little bit after and it still worked)

  6. When Sam dies you will enter a place called the seam. Keep an eye out for the souls of other players, touching them will strengthen your connection, allowing you to share more items, facilities etc.

The next one is pretty interesting

  1. MULE’s will completely ignore you if you aren’t carrying any cargo. Due to their disorder, Delivery Dependence Syndrome (lol), they have no interest in you if you have no cargo. MULE’s aren’t savages it seems.

  2. In the Eastern Region, there is a mission with “the Musician” that gets you a harmonica to play when resting outside! Doing so will even calm BB.

  3. The cosplayer is located in the Central Region and her husband is Conan O’Brian, he will give you an otter hat. This may already be widely known but I thought I’d throw it in for those that don’t. Bonus fun fact: outside his shelter you will likely find his “lawn littered with mushrooms from people peeing on his lawn. Not sure why, but it’s pretty funny.

  4. If left sitting long enough in a hot spring, Norman Reedus will start singing in Japanese.

  5. So I had this cutscene of a BT attacking Sam in his private room and apparently it’s a secret cutscene, so if you never encountered I will link my own recording of it. What I didn’t know was that BT was Hideo Kojima himself!

Nightmare video: https://youtu.be/lix9hnbtYeY?si=XJahUYmrmH6MGQf5

  1. HINT FROM Hideo Kojima:

The part in the mountains where you have to go back and forth across the BT zone. Try to walk on the footprints you've made, and you'll see orange handprints where the BTs have found you. You can easily avoid them by walking through them. Give it a try


Thanks for reading!

There’s plenty more hidden fun facts about Death Stranding and I’d love to hear what you guys have! I just started the game last week for the first time and already have 40 hours πŸ˜…. I’m in love with this game and I’m taking my sweet time searching every nook and cranny and exploring everything this game has to offer. Thanks for reading, much love πŸ’›

https://ift.tt/4fsJmCl Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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