Friday, August 2, 2024

Another reason to replace Ke$ha as Queen Beelzebub's voice actor, outside of just her lack of availability-UNR

It's because when Ke$ha voice acts as Queen Beelzebub, rather than sing as her, she sounds incredibly wooden and stilted. Like it's obvious that Ke$ha never had to voice act in her entire life, because she's a singer, and not a voice actress. So in a way, I wouldn't really be surprised if they can hire a superior voice actress to Ke$ha to voice Bee from here on out, outside of just Ke$ha still going on her independent tours, alone, producing and singing music celebrating her newly acquired freedom from her former record label, and therefore not being available anymore. Much like Norman Reedus not being available to voice Striker anymore because of his work on The Walking Dead, so Edward Bosco took his place from here on out.

Does anyone else agree with me, though? Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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