Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Why am I enjoying this game?? [NO SPOILERS PLEASE]-UNR

Its been on my list for a while, simply because I love Norman Reedus and I always thought the atmosphere of the game looked great in trailers and whatnot.

I never purchased the game because I was worried I'd dislike it. I watched maybe the first couple of hours of gameplay and thought "it looks good but I'm worried I'll get bored of all the walking, do I really want to pay £60 for this?"

Sadly yesterday I found out my 17 year old cat needs to be put down soon. I was so depressed, I needed a game to dive into, I said fuck it and got Death Stranding and now.. I can't understand why I'm loving this game?!

I've done nothing but walk around and watch cutscenes. That's it. WHY DO I LOVE THIS GAME?! I haven't even done anything lol! The atmosphere and voice acting and motion capture is fantastic, I seriously enjoyed my first 3ish hours with it.

My only complaints right now are I have no idea what's going on.. like I get the basic story, but I don't know what these bridge babies are or what the monster things are.. I'm guessing Sam was a bridge baby and that's why he's willing to take BB with him? Anyway, I'm sure I'll slowly find out this stuff throughout the story.

Anyway, I'm shocked at how much I'm enjoying a game that (so far) has been nothing but walking, running, falling flat on my face and mostly cutscenes. Excited to play more, just wanted to share how baffled I am.

EDIT: Should also mention I've never played a Hideo Kojima game before.. I get it now. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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