Saturday, December 9, 2023

Was there someone else in the house?-UNR

We all know the scene in PT where Daryl (that's what I'm calling the player character since he is played by Norman Reedus and plays Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead) is trapped in the bathroom and Lisa is trying to get the door open. But on a rewatch of the scene, I realized something: If Lisa is the one who trapped him in the bathroom, why would she be struggling to open the door if she closed it in the first place? It's obvious that Lis revels in Daryl's pain but it seems strange that she can't open it. Did she even close the door? Is the fetus another entity or a vessel for one that tries to protect him?

One could argue that Lisa did close the door and messed with it to scare him. But assuming that she really was having trouble with the door, then who closed it and locked Lisa out? I'm starting to think the fetus may have had a bigger role since that's what you see in there and knows more than he lets on. Not to mention that he literally speaks to Daryl, something that is impossible for so many reasons. My theory is that whatever was controlling or talking through the fetus was manipulating Daryl for its own reasons. It has such a sinister tone in the way it speaks that I really do think that it was using him and egging him on.

This is leading to whole other topic entirely but my point is that something was possibly inside besides Daryl and Lisa. The matching fetus and radio voices, the warnings, the bag warning us, it leads me to believe that it wasn't just those two in the house. With how ghoulish and possessive the environment was, it doesn't seem that hard to believe that they were going to do something related to ghosts. What exactly? No one knows but Kojima, Norman and Konami unfortunately. And I don't think we'll ever know. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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