Friday, December 8, 2023

The Game Awards Are An Embarrassment-UNR

I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but the The Game Awards suck. This, just like the event itself, isn't about the awards or who won, but the show itself. I do not understand why anybody would watch it instead of looking the winners and announcements if they really care. It's not about awards, it's about advertisement and acting cool by inviting celebrities from outside gaming.

Who do you expect to get more screen time at a videogame award show?

- a guy who's never won there

- random advertisements (like Starfield showing a trailer with handpicked 9/10 reviews, or the 4 different Fortnite ads)

- people from outside the industry who have never played a game in their life OR

- those who actually won awards

Well, it's not the latter. When Baldur's Gate 3 won the game of the year award at the game awards they were on stage for one and a half minute before being told to wrap it up, but they got Simu Liu to tell an anecdote about spraining his ankle and had Captain America babble on forever. And why is Timothee Chalamet presenting the award despite having nothing to do with gaming? Fuck knows, that's why. It's telling when Neil Newbon who actually won the award for best performance got to speak for 45 seconds, while Hollywood actors got to speak 5 times more despite knowing nothing about gaming.

And why do they keep bringing movie actors? Can't gaming stand as it's own media so it needs to be validated as a real thing by people who have no knowledge of gaming? You don't pay a Nobel prize winner who's never seen a movie to give out the Oscar and give an empty speech about something they know nothing about. Is it just to pretend like they're part of the "cool kids club" with actors? They pay people who have no interest in gaming to say boring jokes and pretend (but fail) to seem slightly interested in what's going on. It's like inviting any guy in his 50s of the street to stand and read some notes without a clue about what's going on, or a hairdresser presenting a best carpenter's award.

It's one thing to have Norman Reedus promote Death Stranding, or Keanu Reeves/Idris Elba with Cyberpunk, but when the actors are not even involved with anything to do with gaming then what's the point?

And why are people like Kojima given more time to discuss his life than award winners at an award show? He has never won the GOTY award at TGA, so why's he treated so specially and given more screentime than the winners? He had more stage time than half the winners combined. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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