Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Walking Dead behind the scenes is hilarious-UNR

Acclaimed director Frank Darabont puts together a prestige adaptation of one of the most beloved comic series of all time. Season 1 is critically acclaimed. Then AMC doubles the amount of episodes for season 2 without giving him an extra penny in the budget, and just generally dicks around with him until he quits/is fired/fucking peaces out to sue them a decade later for unpaid royalties. Then they get some rando who starts killing off valuable comic characters for seasons 2 and 3. Then they fire him.

THEN we get five seasons with Scott Gimple as showrunner, and watch as the show goes from a gritty zombie drama to some kind of existentialist soap where characters just talk in long monologues about how they have to live now.

The guy playing the main protagonist's son gets 18 and has to get paid more, so Gimple pulls a season 2 showrunner move and kills him. That is immediately followed by the lead actor quitting. The show then limps along with yet another showrunner until Darabont sues them. At which point AMC quickly throws in the towel and ends the show. But not before announcing three spin-offs starring the most popular characters, one of which exists just to wrap up the story of the main protagonist (who's chronologically been chilling somewhere for a whole ass decade now). And none of them conveniently have to credit Darabont.

Oh, and one of them is starring Norman Reedus, who was only ever hired by Darabont to be a cool recurring character in s1 and was never even in the comics to begin with, but has somehow outlived everyone else in this franchise. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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