Saturday, July 8, 2023

The playable "Silent Hills" game-UNR

I'm sure this has made it to the sub before but I don't see enough appreciation for it, especially since its most recent and ongoing updates:

Dreams user DrJones20's take on Silent Hills began a few years ago and seems to have more added to it quite regularly. As it is, it's unfinished, uneven and the ending kinda sucks. The voice acting and character models are also amateurish. But there are moments of brilliance even early on, full of atmosphere and some really inspired concepts.

Without spoiling too much, it proposes a Silent Hills game in which the Norman Reedus character is a detective investigating the homicide case from PT, uncovering the supernatural and existential horrors that plagued the perpetrator and drawing heavily from parallel realities - plus a Kojima-esque meta-ness about being controlled by someone else (i.e. the player). As should be the case of a classic SH title, Twin Peaks plays an obvious influence, notably in a dream sequence involving Lisa which is kinda beautiful.

It's easy to dismiss this as a shoddy fan game but I am not kidding when I say the first half or so of this feels more like Silent Hill than the last few actual western entries. I don't know what those new SH games will be like but this feels like a great way to follow the Team Silent titles; expanding the idea of a blank but inquisitive protagonist to investigate stories that link together and form the downfall and incarnation of the town we know now, in a pre-Origins origin kind of way. It could have been a great way to avoid the trauma-therapy town trope and keep the cult stuff of the canon games fresh.

TL;DR: if you have Dreams on your ps4/5 then check this game out, even if you already did back when it came out. If you're someone like me who occasionally daydreams over what Kojima's Silent Hills might've been, DrJones20's version is an excellent way to entertain those possibilities.

Would love to hear opinions of those who've played it. As I said, it's not perfect by a long shot, but certainly has things going for it.

Screenshots from the game Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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