Sunday, June 5, 2022

Would you watch an Outsiders (1983) Reunion?-UNR

Concept: reunite the actors who played the original Outsiders

Cast: Emilio Estevez, Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, C. Thomas Howell, Tom Cruise, Rob Lowe

Note: obviously, a cast member is missing being deceased (Patrick Swayze, r.i.p)

Approach: could be one of a few. A pseudo-sequel, a soft reboot, a parody... the show doesn't even have to be called the Outsiders or feature a group called the Outsiders. All that matters is the actors. Six is probably pushing the limits but if four could be reunited for at least a quarter of the project, that's something I'd want to watch.

Format: doesn't have to be a theatrical release. Could be a mini-series. Maybe something in the style of Riding with Norman Reedus.

Who I think would return: Ralph Macchio and Rob Lowe seem like they have a fond connection to their past as Outsiders. Emilio is a little iffy and I don't really know what's going on with Howell. Tom Cruise is such big shot, a lot of factors would have to come together before I believe he would participate. Similar to Howell, I'm not really sure what Matt Dillon is doing. He might be into it if this happened though. As mentioned before, a cast member is deceased, so I wouldn't expect a full cast reunion. Tuned For Everything Norman We Don't Mess Around when it comes to things pertaining to the man.

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